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Posts posted by robe

  1. one option is to immersed a coil of air hose supplying the beckett in the aquarium water. It would be best if a heat exchanger type of air manifold where air is cooled down before being drawn to the hose. This would probably be an additional way of cooling the tank water via skimmer.

  2. It is partly due to the high air volume injected to the water and that is air at a temperature of at least 30 deg C or higher. I have the same issue with my tank. The other option you can do is cool down the air before it goes it to the skimmer. That will help a lot.

  3. Flying Carpet,

    Why be careful of Filipinos? Is it because they know their rights too well and can't easily be bullied into submission? At least they can complain to authorities without taking drastic and sometimes actions with tragic results! If a person don't blow steam and keep it within herself then you should be worried....otherwise thank yourself that she can argue back and get back at you in another way.

    There are always bad eggs no matter what nationality. It depends a lot on the person you get but as long you treat maids like human beings which they are by the way they will reciprocate in kind.

    That agent should be stripped of his license to operate and sent to jail for maltreatment! maybe should get MOM and the police to investigate this as this may not just the only maid he probably maltreated.


  4. Hi Lester,

    count me in for 1 unit.

    1. Me

    2. joylimsg

    3. kbmah76

    4. hamannbmw

    5. Rav-65

    6. prec

    7. Lester

    8. hotlemond

    9. lightningstrike

    10. Berham

    11. davwong




    15. djviper

    16. WLSS (opting for model 300U, if possible)

    17. dandelion76

    18. solo

    19. tkw2e

    20. hmkui

    21. akirasan

    22. loster

    23. Blueheaven (EOZ 300Y)

    24. Robe

  5. Your load's power factor may be too low causing the UPS to draw more battery power to compensate. The UPS also may not be producing a near sine wave output and added to a low load power factor may be causing too much harmonic distortion causing the UPS circuitry to fail.

    USe UPS from APC, Liebert or MGE those that are designed for network or small servers. Their output is closer to a perfect sinewave.

  6. pure magnesium considered incendiary material and used for making incendiary bombs thus considered restricted materials. Probably only industrial users and schools are allowed to purchase and store them (schools are probably allowed only very small quantities).

    If you used it for pyrotechnics then you will need explosives permit.

  7. All the low iron glass brands have more or less the same material strenght. My tank is 3 sides Optiwhite and the glass alone cost around $750 cut and machine grounded finish for all sides.

    Normal and low iron glass have basically the same characteristics except for the lower iron content.

  8. Just make sure your tanks are reinforced beyond the normal method of construction as dynamic forces are far greater and that applies to your stand as well. Otherwise you might find the tank joints giving way and your fishes swimming happily in the living room... .

    If a tank without much dynamic stresses can give way how much more for those that has it. When water sloshed around back and forth the applied force on the walls of the tank goes up and down, the silicon joints also stretch and retracts periodically. Nobody knows what the long term effects are at this moment. :nuke:

    You might want to change your tank every 5 years.... as part of your insurance ...

  9. THeben timers are of good quality as I have been using the same timers since 1999 unitl now and they are powering up 250 and 400W mH. The problem that you mentioned is similar to what I experienced that I suspect is due to the wearing out of the mechanical camming surface that activates the on/off switch inside the timer. The problem goes away by using different time set point to on/ off your lighting.

    I had only one failure since 1999 where the contact may have been damaged by arcing during start up of a 400w MH lamp.

    THey are cheap and good and realiable. My MH lamps still run on them.

    You may want to check though if the newer ones are OEMed from another country as quality might be lower than those that I bought years ago.

  10. Between RD and Iwaki in the long term I wil choose Iwaki for its reliability and ruggedness as well as parts availability.

    Iwaki is designed for used in industrial applications like chemical plants running 24x7 where a failure can easily result in losses that can buy 100 Iwakis or more. All parts in the Iwaki are replaceable. From impeller to bearings to casing. Motors can be rewinded or replaced as well.

    Red Dragon pumps are designed for hobby use. Will you have parts a few years down the road like impellers? Are their friction bearings changeable?

    So I guess you be the judge.

    Electrical cost wise, it tales years to recover and by that time you might need to replace a running part in the RD and who knows what's the price? You probably can buy a new Iwaki for the price you pay for that part.

    Just my thoughts............

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