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  1. thank you people.. just want to answer the doubts... I am using t5 in the two feet... using big fan to chill.. temp between 25 to 28.. measurements tested ok. my tang and angel don't fight... only the angel keep biting the clam.. so I move to nano tank. using skimmer to clear the dirt... using reefall products only....
  2. Oh.. regarding the 8 clowns and the maroon... you are correct... the maroon always hunt the other clowns... now left only 6.... i try to move the smaller clown to the smaller tank with less fishes... but they are always hiding.... Now i monitor them very closely when i am at home... still moving things around between the 2 tanks..... hope to get everything stablise soon.. so that i dont have to disturb them with my hands...
  3. Added a moonlight so that when the mainlights are off... the tank will still have the bluelight effect.... (actually... trying out to see whether it helps on the livestock and at the same time, see what is happening during the night for myself... hehe...
  4. Thanks for the advises... but too late... i added more stuff on both tanks.... 2 leather coral on the 2ft, and 1 leather coral on the nano.... 4 Goby on the nano.. but 1 was killed by the shrimp/hermit crab..... so sad.. Another blue tang and emperor angel on 2ft also... cannot resist their beauty..... Ohh.. another zoas....
  5. My 1feet nano revive... just 1 maroon, 2 hermit and 1 shrimp?... i was told it was a shrimp... but... to me.. it look more like a lobster....
  6. After a month of struggle with the 1feet JBJ nano tank.. (everything gone, except turbo snail and hermit crab)... went to buy a 2feet nano tank and the diamond reef from Jireh.... it was not cheap for this investment.. but so far, after more than one month... only the white and yellow anemone died.... at least the rest of the residents are healthy (looked healthy)... Now the residents are 3 anemones, 1 clam, 2 cleaners, 1 regal angel, 1 yellow tang, 1 maroon clown, 8 clown, 4 turbo snails, 1 star....
  7. Added a jewel... it was a mistake after a friend recently told me keeping a jewel is dangerous.. especially to a newbie...
  8. The above anemone is gone now.. along with the nemo. only hermit crab survive. The following is my next attempt. Added starfish, more clown, turbo snail, purple snug... wavemaker and more LR. aglae starts to grow and multiply very fast after a week...
  9. My 'fishing' started around September 2007 from 1 freshwater tank to now... 3 freshwater and 2 marine tank. I started playing with marine about 2 months ago.. and the first experience was 'expensive'... almost everything down the drain.. and my apology to the DEAD. This is how it first begins... 2 hermit crab.. few clown.. and a anemone...
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