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Posts posted by Randy

  1. Dear all,

    I just bought a yellow belly regal from ah beng yesterday. currently the fish is in the QT and i have since thrown in sea veggies and pellets. But it's seems it's not interested in them. Any advise on how to whet it's appitite? I know regals are fuss feeders and really like this fish and hope it wun die on me.

    Currently running a 2 ft cube and bare bottom and LR only. The other 2 fish in the tank were introduced last week. A YT and a bluefaced angel. All 3 fish are approx 4 inches. Not planning to introduce any more.

    hi is there alot of regal at ahbeng ? any emperor as well? have u been to the other farms at paris ris?


  2. :upsidedown: Trying to reduce bio-load in moi packed tanky. So gotta sell the following healthy & colorful livestocks asap:

    1.) Hybrid Black Tang, 4 inch $300

    2.) Powder Blue Tang, 4 inch $30

    3.) Brilliant Yellow Tang, 4 inch $60

    4.) African Longfinned Fairy Wrasse, aka Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis, Males x 2pc, $30

    :rolleyes: Only interested parties pl PM moi ya contact details to confirm collection.

    :whistle Prices are fixed & wanna-be 'aeroplane' please stay clear.


    hi any pics ?

  3. The tank size is same as mine. Begining I was using sunsun 5000l/hr wavemaker after 3 months the shaft rusted and broke.I replace it wtih K3 ceramic shaft cost less then 1 red note. After 6 month change to tunze 6060.

    Someone in pasar malam selling 6060 at a good price.


    whats the orginal price of those...hmm the power plug seems a bit special and adpater required..K3 ceramic shaft is the brand of wavemaker? actually my sunsun haven broke but there are rust on it....

  4. What angel you are looking for? Your price range? Angel from indo-pacific can range from $8-$90

    From Caribbean from $70-$700, Red sea only 2 in local market now, Asfur and Maculosus $55-$85

    East Africa $90-$550.

    looking for range less than 100 for now...thanks!

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