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Posts posted by clammy

  1. hmm.. i dont see why have to give up a good ride for kids.. Let them take public transport and be independant.

    And while they are in their teens and coming to legal age to drive, having a chio chio sports car in the garage is a sure fire way to motivate them to get a license!

    Hehehe, just my opinion lah. :D

  2. haven't get leh....still observing...if ever fall to 100-110 region after new changes are announced , then more likely :P

    meanwhile, salivating everytime i see one on the road.... :lol:

    but yeah...like clammy say....if boss does get one and let me drive it once in a while...i dun mind giving complementary full tank for boss....courtesy of company SHELL card :heh: ..shhhhhhhhhhh :lol:

    so what are you still waiting for?


    can start to scout around for one le and perhaps secure one shortly after CNY??

  3. Boss,

    what type of car to get largely depends on your personal driving habits/styles. Are you one who prefer to drive auto and less of a chore during jams, or one who wants full control driving manual?

    In my opinion, some cars are not worth driving auto.. (WRX). And like what some other reefers suggest, why not consider a 2seater since Harry dont take that much space in a car anyway. ;)

    Perhaps, wait another few months, and get that rx8 if wifey dont mind, as its the car of the year by CAR magazine, and as such, may not depreciate as bad when compared to other performance counterparts. Oh, and get roidan to chip in a bit for monthly petrol and let him drive once in a while. Haha. Or did roidan get his own rx8 le???

  4. errmmm.. your whole course is going to be conducted overseas?? no pool lesson prior?

    personally, i dont think that's a good idea unless the whole dive group consist of open water students only. Otherwise, open water students will find the while the other recreational divers can do 5-6 dives for the weekend trip, open water students normally only do 3-4. Price wise, we had seen a lot of price slashing during the last dive season, and as many have pointed out, MAY mean lower standards. So, its possible to get a cheaper rate, but 490 is a reasonable price if the standard is there.

    Cheers, and happy diving!

  5. wow. sure sounds like a good offer! perhaps you can advise your friend that she should still go. Tot the timing of such overseas posting will be great for relationships with problem.

    1) help to recover faster if breaking up, and take a new (positive) outlook at life.

    2) if trying to retain the relationship, a little absence makes the heart grow fonder both ways.

    Sounds like a great timing for her!

  6. it is easy for everyone to criticize the experts for not issuing the warning but look at the facts at that point in time.

    a. quake was first measured at 8.1 which should not be strong enough to trigger such devastating tsunamis

    b. it was reported as off west coast of sumatra, which most, if not all of us, assume will not affect thailand, malaysia and singapore if tsunamis came

    c. no major tsunamis, esp in this region for hundreds of years

    based on the above sketchy info, i think they acted responsibly and not caused a panic.

    yeah i know most will argue "see... now more people died" but based on the above info, if it was true, they will be castrated for false alarm!

    i tend to agree with you on this one altho that will probably list us into the unpopular category.. but who's counting???

    Just thought that the experts should still issue warning, but play it down. So perhaps instead of warning, they can broadcast in radios that earthquake occur=may have stronger currents than usual etc.. tho it may not save many more lives, those who heard the announcement will be more aware when they see larger than normal waves and start spreading the word rather than what most tourist did: whip out their video cam/camera and record the "cool waves" (i would have done the same) ...

    Just a thought to share everyone, do ponder about it...

    Was singapore issued a warning? any signs at all?? NO!!! therefore, the 'experts' in question went thru the same line of reasoning like wat the singapore counterparts did: access the situation, try to imagine "sonic booms" and their path of destruction, and decided that,

    "hey, we'r sheltered. sumatra will take most of the shit.. hasnt happened in more than a century, what's the chances of anything major happening when "I", who have to be on shift on Boxing Day, am in charge??"

    Think about that, and what we can do to help with the relief efforts, and not blame the people who 'failed' to issue warnings k?

  7. 15710151.jpg

    some specs...

    Power : 260 bhp

    Torque : 323 Nm

    valvetrain : R4 Turbo


    wow! and nice house btw! :heh:

    do they have that in singapore yet? wondering how much it will cost.. hmm.. may consider that after getting married... need to do some planning le..

  8. @joeyttk: the toyota MR2 as alot of people know it as, is now named the MR-S with the recent model. btw, how much u seling for?? ;)

    @diabolus: As for the celica, i would put it in the Family Sports car category along with the Integra.. it is a downgrade from its GT4 days in terms of performance, but so is the pricing and maintenance cost.

    @deepblue: yeah, got a parallel imported car myself.. but sometimes, the after sales isnt that fantastic unless one is upgrading to performance parts.

    I just think that its important to note whether the buyer wants a N.A car or a turbo one. its quite a big difference in the range of cars to consider. And from there, work whether you want a 2seater, or 2+2.

  9. Glorified version of a Hyundai. Then again its just a hyundai.

    well... yeah.. but things change.. you may be surprised if you sat in the new top of the range hyundais.. not that i like it.. but its different from the past al cheapo hyundai feel.

    its like saying honda only produce "ah beng" cars with the 95-98 civics, and thus condemning the honda NSX... or you compare the nissan sunny with the nissan 350Z. Different models for different consumers that's all.

    Thought it will be more fair to hyundai etc if compare on a model basis, not a blanket style branding issue. of cos i dont deny the lack of the feel good factor. I had the experience of many friends who went "wow! which sport car is that" with the tuscani, especially since their logo is a rather stylish 'T' rather than the normal hyundai logo. And when i tell them is a sports coupe by hyundai, they almost fell of their seats..

  10. the top spec tuscani is not bad like other bro here mentioned. But singapore didnt bring any in.. only the base model.. which in my personal opinion, is trying to drive a heavy merc with a susuki engine..

    however, if you'r going for the looks, the sport car image, while not wanting to go fast, its still a decent car. Why would anyone want that?? for starters, you may be buying the car for your child/wife/girlfren/mom who may love to own a sport car, but not capable of handling one.. This is a really important consideration.

    When i was looking for a car, 350Z, WRX, S15, GTO (2ndhand), EVO8 etc all cross my mind. However, i end up settling for a N.A sports car (non turbo), which provide the joy of driving fast and handling well without the hefty insurance, petrol cost etc.. Furthermore, i dont trust my discipline enuff to drive a wrx.. pretty sure i will lose my license in a short while..

    Try honda integra, celica (also abit heavy on the power to weight ratio), rx8, MX5, MRS etc.. the fun of driving these babies hard cannot be described.. most of these car's handling will have you grinning like a teenager in no time. Sure, you may not beat the high CCs car like BMW, Merc, 350Z etc on the highway, but who in singapore get to cruise at 250km/hr often??

    Just my own two cents..

    Good luck and happy car hunting...

  11. think the blame shouldnt be focused on the farm owner. The MAIN CULPRIT is still the IRRESPONSIBLE PET OWNER WHO DISCARDED THE DOGS.

    And sadly, forsaken/ill treated pets are nothing new, and may be on the rise as well. And with pets, i do mean fishes as well...

    So before we point fingers, let's all do some soul searching and try our best to prevent ourselves or people we know to repeat the same mistakes IRREGARDLESS of the EXTENT of the cruelty involved...

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