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Posts posted by clammy

  1. I dont really care if the whole tank of sps start RTNing if there's such a term..

    My point is why contribute to the destruction of the seas by buying wild harvested sps..

    Of cos if the sps is harvested from singapore waters, then i say by all means, since the government is killing every bit of life in our waters anyway... at least the coral will have some of its glory left in our marine tanks..

    If everybody buys wild sps, then the people who promote this hobby AND bearing conservation in mind, will stop aquaculturing due to the extra costs, time taken.. Sure makes no business sense..

    I think a premium SHOULD be paid, and WILLINGLY too, for aquacultured pieces.. for all such efforts in conservation anyway.. You wouldnt buy turtle shells just to decorate your living room, would you? or buy a siberian tiger fur coat.. I have no qualms in wearing crocodile leather tho.. See the difference?

    My sad 2cents

  2. dont think that the video consumer cameras can take can be suitably used for film projects... the quality of the videos are not that great.

    however, i think you will be able to get more response if the camera/video owner will be the one handling the camera at all times (to minimise the risk of flooding) underwater.

    Just a suggestion: instead of renting the camera, ask of a favour from a member to help take the video? You may want to reimburse any cost (transport/airtank etc) or maybe buy lunch.

    Cheers, and good luck with your project!

  3. not true lah cos the majority of us will still juz sit and watch and dun vote that person out, unless of course it is jerry!


    my piont exactly...

    then all the pest will be eliminated early on.

    then when it comes to a close fight, we, as watchers of the show rather than supporters wil just sit out and enjoy the finals cos by then, all will be of high calibre and we will be proud to send the winner to represent singapore in world idols... :peace:

  4. bo liao, but just a tot... :paiseh:

    Since there's an idol who will be eliminated each week, i think the way to vote should be voting the idol we want OUT. the one with the least talent and most hated will be voted off..

    This way, fans, frens, rich or poor, will not be able to keep their idol in the competition if their idol sucks. And if they were to target vote out a competitor, well, there will be other group of fans targetting other idols to vote out.. :evil:

    basically, there were alot of idol hopefulls that i would like to see on stage and still competing... but there are only one or two that i cant stand or think them totally not worthy of remaining in the competition.. And i think this way, more 'neutral' and 'non-biased fans' will be willing to cast their votes...

    May the best person win...

  5. so quiet around here??

    tot there are few reefers who went diving recently?

    post some pics or some narratives for land bound divers here leh..

    cant wait to blow bubbles...

    whale shark and manta season.. wonder any lucky folks saw them at dayang and lang?

  6. opera?? get rocky back then.. he's in the wrong competition..

    $$$$??? dont think Olinda's dad will lose out?? Owner of a fleet of..... well...

    But then, next to Sly and Maia, my fav is olinda cos she's by far the best singer left..

  7. :lol:

    well, i graduated from Perth.. so... :rolleyes:

    but i always am a boring guy anyway!

    just lots of travelling the outback, fishing, diving, camping, and who can forget the aussie BBQ and binge drinking sessions.. :heh:

    Just a word of advice.. maybe two...

    Dont spend all your time there buried in books.. the overall overseas study experience DO include making friends from all over (and may i add alot of super rich ones!!), enjoying the lifestyle that singapore can NEVER offer, and having fun!

    And, drive safe and dont become a ###### of the local casino..


  8. Guess too many of us who can really appreciate quality singing and great performance dont really vote hor....

    hmm.. seems like only those who blindly follow and willing to spend parent's money voting on good looks will have their 'idols' standing a good chance...

    No wonder F4 can survive in the entertainment industry... :pinch:

    Let's hope Christopoo win and embarass the whole of singapore in world idol..

    well, at least he's better than jerry.. :erm:

  9. what happen to your eel?

    would be nice if a fren can take a picture of you handfeeding the snowflake while it coils around your finger.

    use to keep quite alot of "wild animals" when young, and manage to get them tame too.. but never take picture... until now still "sim tia".. should at least have a few shots for memory sake...


  10. well, guess singaporean operators who do liveaboards have been treading the fine line for a long time without much trouble..

    and since there's been at least one operator who went thru the proper channels in securing the travel permits etc, its only a matter of time there will be such an event. So i guess the rest of the operators will have to follow bah..

    Its as competitive a trade as the marine fish business and i wont be surprise if there's such "scares" or inconveniences happening once in a while.. :(

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