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Posts posted by clammy

  1. Wah... how big is the longnose hawk?

    fantastic pics. Even the naming of pics very well done...

    Bro, think after each dive, you can compile a coffee table photobook of dive pics, and use them to entertain guests and of cos for self enjoyment!!

    What say we have a tank viewing at your place and with these gems of pics as part of the itinery?! :yeah:

    Just a tot lah.. haha.. thinking of excuses to have a look at the original pics. :heh:

    Oh.. btw, do u accept disciples? :peace:

  2. :bow:

    as usuall huanjie, your photos blow me away.. Wow.. the manta pics look surreal!!

    u got wide angle lens meh? manage to capture three manta's in a pic and yet still so clear! By the way, are those the mobula's (not sure of spelling, but the smaller variety) or the giant manta?

    Great pics.. do try post more k! Its posts like these that give me a reason to sign in and leave comments.. ;)

    thanks for sharing!

  3. thanks HuanJie!

    Must try it out this weekend at Dayang. :)

    Actually, the photos from the two trips seem to highlight the difference a diffusser made? :heh: or are there any thing else you tweaked between the trips?

    Hapi Diving!

  4. Phew! What a great match to watch.. Extremely entertaining.

    Sori fellows.. i know alot of singaporeans support England, but i am just a soccer fan with no preferance for any team.

    Sometimes watching the english play can be frustrating especially after getting a goal up. But last night... wow.. they showed great spirit. and the extra time sure was entertaining.. Couldnt get back to sleep hours after the match due to the excitement.

    Good goal by Sol campbell that the referee ruled out.. Guess its just another sign of having home advantage? Referee pressure siah!

    Beckham was almost non-existent for most of the game, and he screwed it up during the penalty kick. Pretty pissed with the coach for taking Scholes out mid way into 2nd half. They (the english) were giving a good account of themselves in midfield against a very dominant portugal midfield until tehn.. From there, it seems like its the england defenders trying hard to pump long ball to the strikers. Quite sad.

    As for the portugese, Deco n ronaldo played quite well, and Figo is the equilavant of Beckham on the english side.. NOn-existent. Screw-up so many good free kick opportunities. Sure, everyone can blame the ball, the pitch, everything.. But bear in mind that both teams ARE playing on the same pitch, using the same ball, and taking penalties from the same spot.

    All i can say is. england need to find a decent goalkeeper to have any chance of international success. Too bad didnt get to see Rooney do his part upfront after an early injury.

  5. :o

    very nice pictures..

    Did you take the fish potraits with very high shutter speed? Love the dark background.

    Can tell us what settings you used for the schooling green chromis? :thanks:

    Looking forward to seeing more of ur pics!! :yeah:

  6. :(

    Dissapointing match man.. but kinda expected also lah..

    Well, not much can be said for all the "star players", and like most reefers will agree, its the lack of zest and drive that's frustrating for us fans...

    One word.. or two?

    :bow: SUPERB GOALKEEPING. :bow:

    For both teams...

  7. haha, yah lor yah lor.. hard to arrange for everyone to get the access cards.. but then again, if all got access cards, maybe the Q there longer le? :lol:

    Yazid, think diving is a adventure holiday and not restricted to diving issit?! So great food, great non-dive related goodies definitely have to play a big part in our selection.. ;)

    CAre to share which charterer you use for your LOB?? sure sounds good!! :thanks:

  8. sigh.. seems like singapore still under british influence yah? ;)

    Nobody bother to poll for to9's matches and or start thread about predictions, pre-game reviews/analyst??

    Come on, England have at least 2 more games to go... WE still got group C, D etc mah.. :lol:

    JUst kidding.. But think Bwilly's, Terryansimon's etc comments pretty much wrap up last nite games le.. oh.. forget that croatia match not mentioned here... :lol:

    Hmm.. will be really interesting to see how the soccer guru's size up to9's match..


    Let the match begins... :evil::evil:

  9. wow... great braekdown... Cant agree with you more on the training aspect and the cobbler theory..

    My two cents is that on counter attacks and/or break-aways/thru-passes, where theres like a lot of open spaces to exploit, and having fast strikers to penetrate, pro footballers should at least have a decent go at opening up the defence and have a go at an open game goal.

    Surely a one on one situation (striker vs goalkeeper) is a much better chance (and excitement for fans) than a spot kick? That's when skillful players can show the trickery of their dribbling skills, magical touches, deadly finishing, cheeky flicks etc at beating the goalie and scoring that goal that makes Soccer an exciting game isnt it?

    Anyway, am a neutral soccer fan in most matches, and any display of good skill, great vision, good team play, and spectacular finishes from either side will definitely win a cheer from me.. even if it means my money going into singapore pools pocket...

    Let's hope we get to see more good plays in tonite's fixtures. :yeah:

  10. hmm.. got quite a diff opinion as oppose to other reefers here..

    Think rooney at times was good, and totally agree he can be red carded anytime...

    But in my humble opinion, if Rooney was a little more composed, and had even bothered to pass, England would have a lot more clear cut and better chances at scoring.. He did NOT even look up ONCE to consider his options up front, and only know how to run with the ball, (which at times is really lousy...see the number of times he lost possession??)

    And tho i have to agree that Becks should have converted the penalty, credit i feel, is to Barthez... Quite a decent spot kick, tho predictable. Great save.. Didnt even allow the chance for follow up..

    Anyway, if Rooney had pass to (i think) owen on his right when he was on the break, there will have been a VERY open chance for England to go 2 up, rather than barge into the penalty box with no real threat and earn the penalty that The English captain failed to convert....

    Seems to me the english have no confidence in their open game as well, and have to resort to maximising time in penalty box and hope for a foul, rather than creating good chances by stringing their passes together..

    Still, a good match in terms of drama, build up and story.. But really lacking in quality and technique from such big names, other than the dead ball situations.. quite sad.. :snore::snore:

  11. :sick::sick::sick:


    this guy is sooo sick..

    And we are actually :sick::sick: helping his cause by having this thread.. :sick:

    :cry2: let's do the world a favor and just ignore this bugger.. any more clicks on his webpage and he's thinking "arent i the super macho ###### lord that all gals die for (provided he is straight.. sure looks gay to me)"

    What a pervert..


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