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Posts posted by baudi

  1. If you do it I'll jump on board for the Nutri Diet food. Great food. 1 tin of each. And before i get dumped on I have looked everywhere for it in Singapore and even asked to have it brought in, and happy to pay. best i got was one and a half (used) tins.


    let me know cos i'm good to go


    I can order from marinedepot also, they're current offering the same price. The only different is Dr. Foster & Smith is have $10 discount above $100 order.

  2. they wont eat your corals. but beware of inverts. they like them. like them in their tummy :)

    i have a large one in mine, aboy 2 inches, been with me for 4 years. no issue with eating corals or inverts, but i intorduced an expensive lah Harlequin Task Fish, prabably easily twice the size, and the hog fish kicked its butt. Basically worried it and hassled it to death. sad.. poor toothy

  3. G'day

    I am looknig to buy a simple (but loud) overflow alarm, just in case we have another instance of the great filter wool overflow incident of 2009 ever again. You know the sort, battery or AC operated, has a sensor and when the sensor gets wet (from an overflow) it screams like a wild animal. One of the LFS guys had a neat little one in stock but by the time I decided I wanted it the one there had sold.

    Over to the forum


  4. like everyone else i say go 2ft if you can... and a skimmer is paramount. i learnt on a 2ft tank, the best thing i learnt was to buy water instead of trying to mix it up myself. lots of retailers sell it, i know reborn and pacific reef both do - thats where i get mine. anyway, enjoy and good luck

  5. Defu lane man did mine cabinet. 6 fter. good work and no problems. i then needed a second cabinet to add a big chiller, added chiller after the fact. he came & measured, built and delivered, price ok, but he must of taken the measurements wrong cos chiller didnt fit. What really made him a good guy was that he took it away, built a new one to the correct specs and then everyone was happy. so two thumbs up for him from me.

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