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Posts posted by baudi

  1. Have had more success in recent times when I keep the fish in a betta box for >24hours before releasing it into the tank. I usually feed into the betta box and around it at the same time. When I release, I only release after lights out, when most of the fish are inactive. At the same time I put a mirror into the tank.

    You'll find that tank inhabitants tend to square off with the new fellow across the betta box for the 1st day or 2, and then subsequently ignore it. That's when i release the fellow into the tank.

    Assuming proper acclimatisation prior to betta box, of course.

    thanks... and great idea about the betta box !

  2. g'day all,

    i have a 6ft tank of livestock and some corals. Among the livestock are a large Naso-Tang and large unicorn fish (H Naso Unicoris, as seen @ Sentosa), a mid size Yellow Tang, Purple tang, Sailfin Tang, a mid size Seargeant Major fish, a Blue Velvet Damsel, a skittish Bird Wrasse and various other assorted and smaller fishes not relevant to our discussion here right now. Until the introduction of the 2 big guys, the S Major and the BV Damsel were the kings of the tank agressively deciding between them who did and didnt survive introduction.

    As was the case when i introduced both the yellow and then some months later the purple tang the fish really suffered and were hassled in the first 24 hours after introduction to the tank. Chased, nipped, they really come out looking very battered after that first day/night. But then they survive and recover. Again the Damsel and the seargent major are the culprits.

    This weekend I purchased a very nice Kole Tang from out at CR (Kranji), letting it sit in the bag, feeding the tank fish prior, then dimming the lights before i introduced the fish. Within moments he was being set upon, again from the usual suspects and also this time from the Purple Tang. In fact the purple tang was probably the most agressive. Size wise, the Kole is larger than the purple or yellow tang. Next morning the Kole was in less than good condition but surviving. By the end of the next day he was showing signs of recovery and feeding, but staying well apart from the other fish. I have plenty of rock for them to take refuge in.

    This is almost the same circumstances I have gone through when adding any medium sized lifestock. Can any of you add any comments or thoughts on how I can make it less stressful for the new dish (way to stressful for the Harlequin Taskfish for example - it died). Usually after 24 hours of battery the fish gets left alone, survives and then goes on to thrive in the tank.

    Tough initiation or am i doing something wrong ? All hints and tips appreciated. Pic of Naso attached. great fish :)



  3. my annoying fish is a Singapore Angel. Bought it by accident and its hardy and impossible to catch.. Nipping nipping nipping at my corals. Thank god its only small. I have 2 cleaner wrasse, both well behaved. lol lemon has evil cleaner wrasse !

  4. Nautilus are nocturnal, undergoing vertical diurnal migration in the wild. In the day the rest on the seafloor to escape predators and during the night they rise up to the shallows to feed. They handle changes in pressure very readily due to the unique structure of their spiralled shell. To view them at night, install some lights with infra-red spectrum. These lights should not be visible to the animal. Such bulbs are commonly used to observe nocturnal reptiles/amphibians.

    4 weeks

  5. i notice that because my tank very little wave movements, some area very "dusty". alot of fine particles settle on the rocks. i only have one return pump creating q moderate current on the left side of my tank. my torch and hammer coral seem to love it, and my clowns occasionally go there. but because of this, my coral placement quite limited. means can only put those need flow one at left side. right side can only put mushies, GSP, clove, those not so dependant on flow.

    but if the wavemaker's function is only to decrease dead spots and oxygenise the tank, then i guess i can make do without it for the mean time. but if its detrimental to my corals if i dun have one, then i should get one soon. anyone know if corals will die/not do well without wavemaker?

    ahsiang, last time my sun sun one the metal axle became rusty. i dunno what happen. do u need it? if u need it then u use bah. i just want to know if without wavemaker is bad for coral or not. haha. not so urgent yet...thanks for the offer though :)

    when i started i didnt have one and even with a strong return, true to form i had a poopy deritus filled corner and also especially at the base of some rocks. I put it in and it made a big difference to the tank, and i think the fish like it. drop food in front and watch them swim to get. more adventure and fun for everyone :)


  6. saw the nautilus at pacific reef.... 2nd time i seen it at the shop... sad to say also noticed alot of empty shells at right side of their counter.... asked and was told that many do not survive the trip due to their sensitive requirements.

    pretty exotic crustacean to keep i guess but really needs cold water!! 23-25 for it to be healthly.. plus cannot keep any fish that is equal or smaller in size.. its like seahorse.. need special conditions...

    hows yours? is it eating from satay sticks?? how big is your tank btw?


    my tank is about 1,200 liters. 6 ft x 3ft, 2 & a half feet. I have my chiller set to its bare minium which is 24 but because of the noise the chiller only runs about 15 hrs a day (on and off as rqd0 so the tank is averaging about 25.5 degree's. Too warm i fear for nautilus. Very inactive during the day when lights are on - tends to hide in a dark corner, more active at night when moonlights active and early morning - no tank lights.

    I have been alternating foods - bits of prawn and (easier) cooked white bait :) (cold storage $2 a packet) and all the fish like it lol, especially the unicorn fish. No satay sticks. I let it hand feed and it is quite content too - those weird tentacle things are a bit sticky. it only eats a little and generally i can only get it to feed about once every 10 days.

    Thanks for the interest


  7. Nautilus is still going. what 2 or 3 weeks on. certainly from before CNY to now. But, I dont think he is too happy :( and oddly, I had to relocate my chocolate chip starfish down to the sump (solitary confinement) as it was going after the nautilus, basically trying to eat its face off. I caught it just in time

  8. g'day all,

    this is my first post so be nice. I notice around the traps this weekend that a number of re-sellers have Nautilus currently in stock. An amazing cephalopod and i only see them in stock rarely... I thought it might be helpful for anyone with experience keeping these guys to offer their thoughts so those of us who think about or have purchased one know what to look out for..

    I have one, i was worried about how it would handle issues like wave maker and rocks as i noticed that at one store they had emptied all rock and corals out of their showtank to accomodate and display Nauts. At Sentosa aquarium i notice the Nautilus happily bouncing around and hanging onto the rock. So, rock shouldn't be a problem right ?

    Anyway, there's the start of the thread. Over to you...


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