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Everything posted by s9534891b

  1. saltwater is it just put tap water together and sea salt mix to make saltwater?

    1. Jameshong


      No. It's better to use RO/DI water mix with sea salt.

    2. Digiman


      Yes, but make sure u dechlorinate your tap water by adding anti-chlorine first.

  2. sorry,wrong info,the correct one should be 90x45x45.my apologies.
  3. by the way, can marine fish can be kept without sa protein skimmer and a chiller?
  4. aberrant passer .sorry if i am not sure if anyone has posted this picture on the forum before.
  5. i do not know weather tickness 0.5cm can support the live rocks anot?
  6. how to check the ticknessof the tank?
  7. my bigger "future nano tank", but need to clear the fishes inside first. can keep marine fish anot?
  8. I am new to to marine hobby,i would like to set up a nano tank as in the picture show here.so is it possible to use this tank as an nano tank?
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