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  1. Hi, Thanks for sharing all the informations. Will monitor my PH and nitrate level and will invest on a better skimmer. Thank you. Rdgs, SAL21
  2. The NO2 and NO3 is normal,0mg/l. I using a 2 ft tank and the equipment used are internal filter and a normal skimmer using air pump to run it. Rdgs, SAL
  3. Hi, The salt in my tank is between 1.021-1.022 and the PH is around 7.9-8.0. I understand that the PH for marine is around 8.2, correct me if I'm wrong. Is there any other way to increase the PH beside adding coral chip? I already add quite a number of it but don't seem to work. The fishes that I have are 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 6 clown fishes Rdgs, SAL21
  4. Hi, Need some advice from the expert .... Just setup my marine tank for about a month but all the shrimp that I bought died after one or two days.... May I know what is the cause of it? Another issue is that mostly of my fishes are down with white spot. Any way to prevent anf cure it? Already feed them with food soak with garlic but seem like no improvement..... May I know normally how long will it takes to cure it? So far..... five of my fishes already died...... Thanks Rdgs, SAL21
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