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Everything posted by Fragmaster

  1. Price reduced Red War favites : $40 Dragon soul favia : $45 Lime green diji : $10 Luminous green monti frag foc with any purchase
  2. Upz. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Clearing space Red War favites colony : $50 Aussie dragon soul favia colony : $50 Green digi : $15 Purple monti big piece : $40 Large luminous green bubble : $80 Luminous green monti : $10 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Sunset milli reserved Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Sunset milli colony : $60 Purple monti frag : $10 Big intense green bubble : $85 Big orange rhodatics : $20 Downsizing tank
  6. Ultra healthy show size gonio (abt 7 head) Picture taken without any zoom. Selling as it is getting too big for my tank. $150.
  7. Scaling down some of the corals Red Gonio : $85 War favites frag : $10 Vampire slayer zoas about 8 polyps : $50
  8. Another picture of the lobo. Pearl bubble is taken. Rest still available.
  9. Big polyp ultra luminous Green bubble : $100. Red blue Aussie acan mini colony : $40
  10. Clearing space Very red lobo : $45 Green mushroom with orange spots : $25 Luminous show size per bubble corals : $100
  11. Ultra grade rainbow brain : $180 Warpaint scoly : $180 Take both for $320
  12. Have quite a big piece of purple monti $15. Fragged for a bro but he did not turn up. Just want to clear the sandbed clutter.
  13. US sunflower zoas : $15 Yellow Scarface : $35 Wysiwyg
  14. Clearing space on sandbed Warpaint : $180 Ultra orange acan colony : $180
  15. Golden clovee reserved. Upz for dragoneye zoas.
  16. Full frag plug of figi dragon Eye zoas about 10 polyps :$35 10 plus polyps of golden cloves :$15
  17. Have a frag of antivenom zoas as well 4+polpys: $40
  18. Red zoas, purple zoas and luminous star Polyps on a Tonga rock : $50 Luminous Dino egg monti frag still available
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