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Posts posted by enseng

  1. ya, tink bigger better :thumbsup: , so izit gonna b done straght or gotta redo size again?

    I think what bro steven trying to say is his outflow hole's diameter is initially 30mm....then he reliase that the hole is too small which water is accumalated in the acrylic scrubber...

    He then paid to rework the hole to be 50mm...so he is now suggesting reefers who intend to order Algae scrubber to build a bigger outflow hole..

    I also had mine modified from 30mm to 50mm...the return flow is really strong (consider SM recommended 3000L/H pump) that it will generate microbubble in the tank....

  2. What are you gg to do with your current LS and corals, after rescape + sand change?

    Consider this 1st, before stepping into it, as its a major rescape, thats IMO.

    yup...i think i am not going to touch the sand..maybe just rescape the rocks...

    read that the reefers just transfer their LS to a blue tub and do the rescaping....let the water run for a day and test to confirm no NH4 and NO2 spike...then transfer back all the LS..

    I was wondering how about NO3? ..what about reefer who engage external LFS help for rescaping? How they go about doing it?

    Anyone has experience can share?

    Heard that Iwarna provide this service? I have seen their liferocks formation....is very nice!...Any idea how much do they charge for rescaping?

  3. omg why do you want to change sand to chips? alot of detritus and stuff will be trapped inside and will really build nutrients up.

    sorry, i mean black sand...yah..chips will accumulate lot of detritus..had chips inmy sump previously..already removed it..

    just thinking whether to change to black sand..looks nice..but i think got to restart my tank cycling after replacing all the sand ...right?

    might not worth to do it...or can i just overlay the black sand on top? just a thought...

  4. Hi, considering to redo the aquascaping for tank or just add a few liverocks...would like to ask a few questions:

    1. Will the rescaping cause the nitrate shoot up? (i supposed it will) Do I have to change 100& water after rescape?

    2. After rescaping, do I need recyle the tank again?

    3. Thinking to change the sand to chips, does it mean that I have to restart the tank cycling ?

    If I have to restart the tank cycling then i might just add a few more LRs...

    Need advice... :ThanxSmiley:

  5. I've used this product many times already, just turn off skimmer for half a day after application, for my 3ft tank i used 2 spoonfulls (spoon provided by product) and mixed it with water and let it drip slowly from a DIY dosing bottle made from a 1L softdrink bottle. This is so that ur livestock doesnt get shocked by the sudden introduction of foreign chemicals. When u turn ur skimmer back on rem to adjust skimming to dryer(lower foam mark) as it'll go crazy and start overflowing with yellow foam. U only need to dose once btw and the algae should start turning pale and die off in 2-3 days in some cases 1 day only. Once ur skimmer stop producing yellow skimmate, change 1/4 of ur water. Dont use tap water hor nor dose trace elements for a few days to be sure the algae dont respawn. Hope this helps ...

    P/S : If u got clams i recommend dosing half of wats recommended and monitor.

    hey bro, u use 2 spoonful only?...is it effective?

    thought 3ft tank is abt 90gallon..the recommended should be ard 6spoonful(15gallon/spoonful)

    i dose 5 spoonful last time, altought the red slime is gone initially, it comes back again ...maybe i should try again wif the less dosage...u mean the trace element will cause the red slime to respawn?....

  6. Hi all,

    would like to sell away my Resun CL450 chiller for $120...the chiller is about 1 year old..it is good enough for a 2ft tank....

    reason for selling is becoz i juz got another chiller from a bro here..

    please PM me if interested...collection at jurong west..near pioneer station..thanks!

  7. See page 2, hope that helps. ;)

    Hey bro,thanks...

    it is only on the setting...but it doesn't mentioned how to adjust the temperature different....

    mine is trigger at 2 deg C different...would like to set it to 1 deg C...

    Anyone using Teco chiller? can share how to do the setting?


  8. Medication should only be used as a last resort.

    Ich can kill fishes if they are too stressed to develop sufficient immune response. One of the primary causes is water quality (most often pH swings due to low kH, ammonia levels, etc). Cyanobacteria is caused by high nutrient levels, usually phosphate.

    You should increase your water changes. Do 50% water changes every 2-3 days until conditions improve. Use either natural seawater or aged artificial seawater. Stop adding fish for now, stop and analyze if you are overstocking your system. Try to add more medium for nitrifying bacteria. Check if your protein skimmer is efficient for your tank volume.

    When in doubt, just change water. Many problems can be resolved by water changes.

    Thanks bro...

    You were saying water change will solve both problems?...so i just leave the fishes as it is?...

    tested my water last week, NO3 is about 20PPM, PO4 0PPM

    currently running algae scrubber, biopelltes and cheato in my sump...

    hope it will improve the water condition...

  9. Help!...I am battering against 2 war now...ich and red slime..

    My tank is contaminated with ich parasite...lose a few fishes, those still surviving are with white dots on their body..

    Understand that reef safe medication can't do much on the infected fish, but can they remove the parasite in the tank? The survival are still eating and I believe they will build up the immunity on their own...but worry if the tank is still full of parasite, they will get infected again when their system is down..

    2nd thing is the red slime which gone few days ago after dosing red slime come back again..wondering whether i should dose the red slime again??

    Can dose 2 medication together? Will there be any implication?...Which one shall i dose 1st if they can't be do it together....??

  10. Hi all,

    Anyone has the Teco RA680 Manual? Need it for the thermostat setting...

    By the way, what is the temperature different to trigger/activate the chiller? Read that it is 1 deg C, but the one i just got from a bro here is 2 deg C ..anyone know how to adjust it?


  11. Hi all,

    Wondering whether Ultra life red slime remover is reef safe or not....there are mix reviews found online...majority found that the product helps but there are few reefers experienced whole system wiped out after the application although they follow the recommended dosage...

    Just want to gather some review from those bros who use this product before..what could be the main reason of having the whole system wiped out?? Here are the recommendation from the package when using this products:

    1. 1 level spoonful (provided) for each 15 gallons of aquarium water

    2. Keep skimmer on

    3. Keep UV sterillizer /ozonizer on

    4. Increase O2 levels by addition of airstone (could it be the root cause of the disaster if failed to do so??)

    5. If needed, repeat dosage after 48 hrs, subsequent dosage will be a week later

    Hope to have clearer understanding to prevent the misfortune.....thanks all bros for sharing the information....

  12. Hi, I have this red slime algae on my rocks as well as sand also ....but sand one is more brownish, i think it is spreading..lots of tiny bubble on the sandbed and rocks...

    Bought red slime remover and dose according to the recommended amount, with the skimmer on as recommended in the instruction...

    As of yesterday, 24 hrs has passed but not much improvement except the tiny bubbles are gone...

    Thinking whether to redose again in 48hrs time as i read online that some ppl's livestock was wiped off after the dosage...

    Anyone has the experience to share? what else can i do to remove the red slime algae? already running algae scrubber in my sump..

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