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  1. no coral, just LR. one pc of rock only in my nano tank and one clownfish, that's all. water has been cycled and changed on 20 -30% weekly to reduce parameters. now at low and stable results after 3 weeks. saw the white ant-lookalike creatures moving around and whit hairy things. The LR bought was claimed to be cured at LFS by the owner. no abnormility fond on body of clownfish so far and it is feeding well. any advise?
  2. thanks for the advise. The whitish hairy thing sticking on the wall of the tank doesnt seems like algae on closer look, its like tiny spot of hair thatfloat and swing with the current of the water in the tank. using scrapper or brush and it could easily be removed. even by fingers... any idea what are those? Does it means that i shoul just leave the tiny white ant-lookalike creatures as it is or try yo clear them out? Will it grow into bigger things that will occupy in the tank and endanger livestock? Pls advise.
  3. I saw a quite a number of very tiny white ant-lookalike creatures moving on the wall and bare botton of my 2 weeks setup tank. Also has some white hariy 'algae' on the wall of my tank. Could the kind soul of experts pls advise what are those stuffs and how to get rid of it? Are they abnormal or unkind stuffs to my tanks and my currently one inhabitants of clownfish? helps and advises much appreciated... thanks,
  4. if u have let me know at 97346821. oso keen in black ones.
  5. Need another pc of advise... How often do you change the sponge filter; the coarse(Black) and finer(white) ones in the filteration system? OR just clean out the dark and dirty stuffs and put back to re-use? or change it every time u wash?
  6. am using API marine test kit, should be reliable. I think so? I do not have any dead things inside the tank except for 1 gobi(sand swallow and spit out fish). only LR inside. been cycling for more than 1 month.
  7. need advise again. After 2 rounds of 50% water change n cycling, my nitrate level is at detectable range of 20. Even before water change, already at 20. What should I do? Should I cycle longer or should I get the nitrate reducing chemical? or I can ignore it n start introduce fishes?
  8. thanks for the clarification. In the name of conservation of precious water, can I use reuse the water the water that was took out? Was thinking of using the drained out water which has nitrate only that is not harmful to fishes as quarantine area with top of new water? Does it make sense? W
  9. I m a bit puzzled. What do u mean by resetting the parameter with 50% water change? will the water change induce amonia n nitrite again with 'new' water? My tis morning test results r very promising! amo & nitrite is 0.0. nitrate is 20ppm. So the next step is to do 50% water change n can start introduce LS? or still need to cycle a few more days n test all parameters again to ensure amo & nitrite is 0. N nitrate to 0.0 with final 2nd 50% water change? PLs advise. thanks.
  10. Thanks for the advise. I took out the LR and scrap off the white patches(as much as I can) and put in back. Saw a few worm in the process, think the LR is still breeding some worms and crab/snail like creatures. Quite yucky... I wait leave everything as it is for the next weeks and monitor the cycling process then. Yes, all the pumps and circulation are working, though I felt the stock pump is not strong enough. Never mind then, just cycle the tank first with everything stocks, except i changed the O-rings and carbon to all marine 'spec' ones and the sponges are all there. The stock filtration system hopefully can support the environment. bit regret getting nano tank, pretty quite to manage them. Cos of space constraints to fit in skimmers, cooling equipment, etc. Might end up taking out the cover. wa pian eh! May I ask if the white patches will clear off eventually(alive again with Coraline algae) or it will remains as dead part(white patches) of the LR? All those worms, crab/snail thingy common to see in cycling of water and LR? I heard its bcos the LR is not cured properly before put in?I bought them from LFS.
  11. OIC. Noted. the changing water will have to stop immediately and do it longer then. Is it norm to see LR dying off with white patches? Should I scrap them all off and put it back or leave them as it is? The worms that I saw today is like this tiny caterpillar lookalike thingy on my seabed and they r alive! I see my LR has some holes opening up and it is getting bigger by the days. Is it norm? and oso the LR got some 'hairs' growing out of it. is this norm? what r those actually? Should I leave anything as it is or introduce some chemicals to clear up the impurities in the water while cycling is still on-going?
  12. I am oso puzzled by the test result??? Ammonia still detected even with presence of nitrate??? confused... I top up/ change water bought from LFS which is salt/sea water at about 15-20% every week. Now on my 3rd week cycling. I did precleaning of the LR b4 putting in and b4 there wasnt any dead patches. I am trying to keep(thinking of which best way) to the temp before 30C. Most prob using fans to blow them since it's a small tank. !!! Today I discovered my tank has some unusual moving things!!! I saw worm like(2 tiny ones) lying on my sand bed!!! Yucks! Is this bad??? Is my water totally wasted with this 'worm'. Pls advise what should I do now? the water do not smell at all. Now stress ah!!! Should I do cycling all over again? Pls help!
  13. just did a few tests and the parameters gathered as follows: : PH : 8.0 Amonia : 1.0 Nitrite : 5.0 Nitrate : 20.0 questions: 1) Will I be seeing both amonia and nitrite dropping in next few more days of cycling or should I do a 25% water change to bring them down? 2) Will Nitrate continue to rise at this current juncture or should be falling down?
  14. 1 more question: My life rock has some white patches on the surface and greyish patches as well. I assume they are dead spots, right? Do I take it out and scape it off or leave it in the cycling tank? I see some small hairy things growing out of the life rocks??? What is that? Is it bad?!
  15. bought a wrong set that can't fit into my nano tank. Its brand new n never used at all from AM yesterday. Bought at $50. Selling $45firm. no discount, no motivation to buy, right? Keen text me at 81282966. Collect tampines.
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