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Everything posted by 77tj

  1. jetski250 Once a week i will also add reef builder.
  2. Bro i used G2 160w maxspect led + 2 tube T5 for my 2 feet cube tank, so far my sps can sustain quite well.
  3. Want to clear fast. Brand new ELOS test kit both for only $50.
  4. $5 for one big bag of cheato,really worth it. Up for u sis.
  5. Selling brand new ELOS Mg and Ca test kit for $60,buy from Madpet. Expiry date for Mg Aug 2012 and Ca Sep 2012. Self collection at Bt Batok. PM me or msg me at 96222205.
  6. Still got left some more Hurry. Will throw them away ar 9.30pm if no taker.
  7. Those who want pls call 96222205 tong.
  8. Reefers from the weat side, only self collection at BT BATOK. FOC cheato only for today.
  9. Bought some new corals to fill up the empty space for coming CNY. Few weeks already.. Digi hill Some random shots Some tank pics WISHING ALL OF U HAPPY A CNY
  10. I have not try using the lenses, maybe it should aid with thier spread. Led- surface of the sps colour up nicly. T5- aid sidepart of the sps that led caanot reach. Led+T5- overall of the sps colour up. (this is wat i observer,i am no expert in lighting) (wat i observer is wat my coral show me) happy reefing
  11. Ya bro tat why i place my led lightset higher a bit, but some of the more light demanding sps seem not getting enough light, the side part of the sps browned.( esp those bigger sps coloney). Find tat by adding t5,the side part of the sps colour up and can see the poly out all the way. Side track a bit. My intention was to add extra 4 tube of t5.(2 front,2 behind) I added 2 tube t5 first and observer, within ar 2 week i found tat my tank having serious aglae issue. Now the tank is stable and i stop the idea of adding extra 2 more T5 into my tank. (Just for extra infromation to share for those who are running Led set and thinking of adding extra t5 tube, prepare to Battle Aglae Issue.)
  12. Spses directly under the led still can make it, but for those sps tat is placing away from the lightset seem cant get enough light. What i observe is tat led lighting is shine directly down, top part of the sps is nice but some part of it will get blocked by the top part. With the addiational of the help of T5, the overall parts of the sps will be fully shower with light. I find sps grow well with Led + T5. So wat i think 160 or 250 dont make much of a different because all led shine straight down. happy reefing
  13. BN sold. Left un-ID (2 frag in 1 small live rock) sps
  14. Around 2-3 weeks. If you cut the bottom at 45 degree and glue it on the frag plug, it will encrust more faster.
  15. Digi and purple V sold. Left BN and the un-ID pair of frag.
  16. Hi reefers some frags to let go. A pair of frags Mother colony selling for $20 ID ??? Purple V Mother colony selling for $5 Digi Mother colony selling for $5 Radioactive BN $10 All sps frags size range ar 1+ inch and all have multiple branches. Strictly for self collection only ( bt batok) *don hav transport Msg me (96222205)tong Thanks for kind understanding.
  17. Hi reefers, just bought a coral can someone help ID this coral. Lighting requirement ? Flow ...? Placement...? Thank in advance.
  18. SL located at 240 Balestier Rd. YT sold around 3reds+1 green.
  19. Thank bro, i dosing manually every day. (Ca,Mg,Kh and lime water for evaporation )
  20. Just remember somthing, tank has been running G2-160 led from july and i added 2 tube of T5 on Oct. Maybe tat trigger the growth in Nov/Dec. happy reefing
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