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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. ok..dun get carried away..still need help! thnks reefer guy! anymore helps welcomed.
  2. got such thing as addtional external overflow box? mine not a IOS tank..
  3. hi.. i got a extra 1.5ft tank..wish to convert it to a sump. can i noe wad is needed in it? LR and equipments. how to return water frm sump? how to take in water frm main tank and transfer to sump? This 2 is crucial question for me.. thnks for ur advices.
  4. also got it last time when i have doctor fish.. maybe produce frm fishes tat's unhealthy..i dunnoe really noe wad causes tat.. slimy..gross.. sorry if i'm wrong.
  5. ya..sell in smaller batch ma..ppl can have a fair chance.. lol.. juz a advise.
  6. bwilly..waiting rite..den chiong liao!! me too..waiting..ahaha
  7. AT, u're being featured! getting popular each day! ahaha..
  8. dun tink will upgrade.. no $ to do tat..anyway..haven sick of my 2ft yet~ haha.. dispose ar..post it on pasar malam lor..i tink will have newcomers looking for skimmer for their tank..
  9. den i still wan for wad..silly..ahaha.. thnks anyway..
  10. only got yellowish skimate.. plan to get a weipro2011.. but it will be after chinese new yr(where cash flows in) btw, reefer bro, wad skimmer u got extra?
  11. haha..ya..mostly all will starts on a 2ft..upgrade sia.. wait till i work ahaha.. 2ft i already buay tahan!
  12. hMm..2ft..maybe drop the idea of introducing big tangs.. get small fishes~ sigh! feels like upgrading..
  13. aWw.. ok ok.. btw,bwilly bro..u haven answer my brown tang question~ Have 2 clowns, 1 brown tang(new member), 2damsels(thnks to bwilly),1 cleaner shrimp,one button, ard 9kg LR. Is my LS more than enough.. cos planning to get one more..
  14. den will have to get a PBT or Regal tang.. btw,bwilly, u noe the price of brown tang?
  15. No angels in my tank.. my mum wans it.. but.. so ex ar..haha.. any reefers here selling~~?
  16. hi, as above. seller pls quote me the price through PM.
  17. juz saw a super LONG worm out frm my LR(throw away liao), more than 20cm. Dun wanna waste my time catching it cos it's feeding on my tubeworms..idiot worm..
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