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  1. Hi hi! M interested in SH too. Got a pair last time n they had baby SHs. But I didn't know how to care for them and they died together with the dad. Am still very keen but it hurts to see them die. Any advice?
  2. Hi all! Just like to share with you all some stuff and at the same time seek some advice. I bought a pair of SH from a LFS. 1) Initially 1 of them was not eating, I was so worried that it will die. But it managed to survive more than a week. But then I found it dead at the bottom of my tank one morning. 2) To my excitement and joy, while feeding my SH and fishes one day, I saw my remaining SH giving birth. I was overjoyed! My bro helped me to source out info frm the forum on how to care for them. I really appreciate a fellow reefer who advised me on how to care for them. 3) To my horror, the next morning, I found my papa SH dead. Seriously, I have no idea why and my baby SH follow too. Are there any websites that I can really read up on SH? Especially on how to provide the best care for them? Arigato!
  3. saw them at lck110 going for afew dollars less than $60
  4. I think it is quite true. I had 2 doctor fishes last time and it didn't survive. Come to think of it, I think it did not eat. Now, the present one has been ard for more than a week, & I saw it eating food the other day. But most of the time, it is living on parasites off your fishes. Perhaps, if you have enough fishes in your tank, it may help it to survive?
  5. Thanks FuEl for the advice. Sigh... Ya, tink u hav got a point there. Got 2 small false percular clowns and a skunk clown this time. They actually share an anemone, though I have sufficient anemone. Thought they can be territorial? The sad part is that I lost my percular clown a few days later and the skunk followed it too... Wonder what is actually the problem... any advice?
  6. Not so sure about other tangs, but was at ML yesterday and was asking about my blue tang as it has white spots. I was told that the white spots come and go. The most important thing is to ensure that the filtration is good and that it is eating!
  7. i just lost a pair of true clowns, in my tank there is another tomato clown,alittle bigger than the true percular (male) smaller than the female..i think the male is stressed by the tomato clown..its kinda bullying it than it kerna white spot and die.. nxt day female also die..
  8. hahaha i did the same thing as u did in the past...end up have to sun tann my lr lolx.
  9. I jus lost my saebae clown just a while ago. Wonder if it's due to my Tomato clown. It disturbs it very much. That it "flew" into the overflow and was injured as a result. What should we do when we see that the clownfish is inactive?
  10. Ya, quite agree. Not sure if I am right, removing the fish from the tank is already quite stressful for it, let alone in a basket if it is quite small.
  11. Hei zenus! Hope your blue tang is getting better. Seems like pellets soak with garlic is recommended by most but what if the fish is already not eating?
  12. I got the pellets frm ML. My fishes quite like it.
  13. Actually, I am not too sure. Is it better to separate the fish with white spot frm the rest? Will that stress the fish even more? I realise that everytime I remove my fish with white spot from the tank, it dies.
  14. Ya, I lost my purple tang and PBT to white spots too. Even with a cleaner wrasse.
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