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Posts posted by Chichan

  1. Having a lot of bubbles going into the tank alters pH which is surely not ideal, apart from the other things you mentioned

    Yes increase the water level beyond the outlet.. but if it still does happen, maybe a picture can help us to identify the problem :D

    Thanks Mossrope, I increase my water level above the outlet but still allow some agitation on the water surface.

    The bubbles are now gone. Hopefully,without the bubbles, it can still introduce enough dissolved oxygen.

  2. Hi

    I have a JBJ 24 nanotank. When the pump is turned on, the outlet of the water flow introduces lots of bubbles

    into the tank.The outlet is just slightly above the water surface.

    I read somewhere that mircorbubbles may not be good to fishes in a reef tank as they

    might get into their gills.

    Does it mean that the outlet should be below the surface of the water to minimize bubbles?

    Thought that more bubbles is good as it introduce oxygen to the tank.

    Any advices appreciated.


  3. hi,

    the wave maker is Hydro Koralia Nano... its smaller than the Koralia 1... flow rate is 900L/hr... bought from AM last time.. i tink its $48...

    the Denitrate is Seachem brand... recommended by the staff at Petmart... i stop using when i tested 0 for the NO3...

    Is the price of the wavemker negotiable? Not sure if it can be

    used on my jbj24 nano tank

  4. hi all,

    there are some left over items from my decom sale last 2 weeks...

    1. Koralia nano wavemaker($30) - has been cleaned and dried.

    2. Hydro flo($10) - clean and dried too.

    3. E-ballast for 18W PL lamp(with connectors and bulb holder)($25) - new and unused.

    4. a PL 18W B/W tube($10) - bought from Petmart last time as spare. new and unused.

    5. Denitrate($8) - left abt 50-60%. bought from Petmart.

    6. Marine pH buffer($5) - totally unopened. used to raise pH of NSW.

    collection at hougang st 51.

    all reservations are on FCFS basis on my offered price.

    Please reserve only if interested. No flyers.

    i still have some misc stuffs lying around.. will offer for buyers who come...


    Hi, which model is your wavemaker? Hydor Koralia 1 - 1500l/h ?

  5. hi guys,i have some books for sale due to order wrongly n some of the books i have it alrdy.....

    selling for $30 each

    interested parties msg me at 92776429 name izad

    collection will b at khatib

    refer to the pics below:

    Two of the books are of the same title. Are the the differences between these two?

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