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Posts posted by Milch_Tan

  1. hmm might sound overkill.. but would u wanna consider draining all your water out and put freshwater in to 1 shot kill all these parasites/crabs? den re-cycle the process again, more secure in a way, but of cos there's the downside of killing everything good too. just a thought. :)

  2. that algae you are talking about is bryopsis. nothign eats it except lettuce nudibranch. just leave it and pull out any you see and it will die off after few months.

    let me know about the pictures. i need them ASAP but there's no rush. just as soon as possible if you can, and whenever you can. Will send the photo to Dr. tanaka and when he publishes it in his book/CD, the photo will be credited to you and/or whoever who helped you.

    thanks much.

    thanks for the id of algae.

    credit or not, not tt impt to me la, but don't pin such high hopes cos this specimen I have has bit of a damage to it's tail fin, and here are some snap shot of it I took 10 mins ago, if u're ok with the specimen standard then I'll ask law over this sunday to help take a better pic (you can tell the pic quality I have is jus terrible).

    very hard to capture it flash/flare with my cam, so can only capture some unexcited state.

    don't want a half-past-six standard to go into a book. haha.

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  3. Looking good, bro! :thumbsup:

    thanks bro, :)

    Also i have one request for you. My Solomon Filamented flasher did not make it due to some problem with the fish. If you could get a photo of yours in high quality DSLR or Point and shoot photograph, please send me a photo of it.

    Maybe can ask Law to help you.

    If you could get a photo of it displaying it will be even better. Till date there's only one photograph (to my knowledge) of a filamented flasher from solomon island flashing, and it's published in Kuiter's wrasse book. The whole body turns red and the lines become blue, but the dorsal fin turn entirely yellow. very beautiful and gorgeous fish.

    I've been waiting so long for it, but sad it did not make it :( No fate, but my love for this fish will continue so i'll wait for the next batch (if any ever again).

    The reason why i asked for a photo from you, is because i'm helping out my friend from Japan, Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka, wrasse expert, with his personal Flasher and fairy wrasse CD and book. This variant of the filamented flasher is quite rare. so if you could take a good high quality photo and send to me, i'll pass it to him and make sure you're credited to it.


    Hey lemon, sorry to hear about ur flasher, and thanks for ya compliments man, :) with regards to the flasher, it's mostly chasing my flame wrasse and sometimes rosy scale. my point and shoot is utterly hopeless, might enlist law's help or might look for a G11 or G12 to borrow, when do you need the pix? Would be glad to help any time man. :cheers:

    my dear milch, this scape definitely alot better as compared to the previous 1. told u my tonga cmi le. btw i guess i will stop buying expensive fishes until i think my tank can handle it. keep dying ..damn sianz

    my dear fren, sorry I couldn't really use your beautiful rock man.. anyway don't give up on those beautiful fishes!!!! Jia YOU!!! eh.. 4get bout ya T5 plans la.. save the money do a bigger tank! cost about the same. haha.

    Nice rescape Milch, looks very natural :welldone:

    hey Cedric, still tons to learn and observe from gurus like yourself man. :bow:

    Very nice scaping! Got lots of spaces for placement of sps, hair algae on left u purposely keep for AT to makan?

    Thanks bro! well.. currently quite a bit of tiny small frags dotting different area.. but I reckon can still take in more. haha. eh.. Those algae are not hair algae, but have a feather like look to it.. part of New Tank Syndrome i guess.. dying out already (thanks to the UV light).. but will have to take out and give it a good scrub. AT kinda ah-tas, doesn't take algae, only pellets yet to put in the nori bro vt_snowman87 shared with me. :chair:

  4. another addition was the Rhomboid, absolutely love it., also observed is that my scooter blennies are holding "hands" swimming together, really looks nice, but can't take a decent pic.

    and a pic of my lineatus when it was in its angry mode in the vid.

    updated fish list as follows.

    No. Name Date Added

    1 Pygmy Hawkfish 10/8/2010

    2 Filament Wrasse (Indonesia) 20/08/2010

    3 Hena Goby (Japan) 20/08/2010

    4 Lineatus Wrasse 3/9/2010

    5 Exquisite Wrasse (African) 3/9/2010

    6 Blue Mandarin Fish 10/9/2010

    7 Red Mandarin Fish 14/09/2010

    8 Achilles Tang 16/09/2010

    9 Red Scooter Blenny (Female) 1/10/2010

    10 Red Scooter Blenny (Male) 2/10/2010

    11 Rosy Scale Wrasse 16/10/2010

    12 Platinum Clown Fish (Pair) 16/10/2010

    13 Flame Wrasse 20/10/2010

    14 Flame Back Pygmy Angel 20/10/2010

    15 Rhomboid Wrasse 23/10/2010

    16 Filament Wrasse (Solomon Island) 23/10/2010

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  5. an interesting observation in 1 of the Millie, in particular bro Thomas_Lim 's red millie frag, those who have seen his Red Millie would know that particular millie is extremely red, but after the heat incident, the colors have some what changed, from the brown out color in aug, to a gradual yellowish body, and most recently apple green, I've edited the last pic slightly to show the actual colors as I've seen with my eyes.

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  6. haven't updated in a while, had a serious heat issue when my compressor's power was off for more than 24 hours w/o me realizing, and to only come home to a tank of 33 degrees at 9pm. Casualty includes 1 SPS small colony and 1 hooded wrasse.

    Any how, here are some random pics taken between the last 2 weeks, have been busy with personal stuff lately.

  7. hey bro! firstly CONGRATS on the Princess!!!

    next your de-com, think it's a waste, as those corals and livestocks that survived the blackouts etc, are really tough and are all survivors, it's hard to find such hardy specimens again.

    anyway, i've got some problems too, haha. my chiller was OFF for 24 hrs, and my light blasting from 1000hrs-2359hrs (3 x 250 w MH, 4 x 80 w T5) haha, 1 sps and 1 hooded wrasse gone, but the rest are fine. :)

    all the best bro! PM you regarding the visit.

  8. hey bro, thanks for sharing the nori with me, and learnt a great deal from ur dad n u, u guys rock! seriously!

    If SPS has another place to call home other than the natural sea, it's here with Vincent and dad, their sps clearly enjoys their husbandry and concept; the polyps looks like a sexy woman's long hair swimming and flowing freely in the waters. :bow:

  9. the Rhomboid and flasher are seriously nice, pricing is good too! Like LaW said, the colors didn't really stand out in the blue tub, however when they are in tank, it's amazing. Picture taken with flash on my avg samsung ST550 and is unedited except for cropping. It feeds immediately on Bassleer biofish pellets and frozen food when in betta box.

    As for the flasher, didn't really have a chance to take a good shot of it, but think bro lemon has updated his tank thread with some good pictures :)

    here's a closer look of how the Rhomboid specimen looked like from LC, grab it b4 it's all gone!

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