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Posts posted by kksg2000

  1. and external mod would cost you less than 10 reds if you do the wiring yourself. the $40 can be saved by taking the train to bugis and walking to sim lim tower for the parts :lol:

    what i would do though is increase the flow into the chiller. too slow and by the time the water in the chiller cools down the one in the tank is already heated up thus the chiller keeps kicking in.

    Bro, my chiller does not kick in too often , it takes 45 mins which I think is normal. It just can't chill down to below 26... Is this a internal thermostat fault?

    Any website showing how to do ext mod? I have no idea how to do it...

  2. I thought my chiller is working ... But I concluded my chiller is not good. The temp cannot go down before 26 deg.. If thermostat is set at 25, it will kick off at 26 .. and the LCD display keeps increasing to 27++ and the chiller keeps kicking,, I found if i set at 27, it kicks off at 28 and the LCD display decrease to 26.9 and stop kicking.. It is doing good at 27. I think maybe my chiller thermostat is faulty... Any bro had the same problem before and want to share? Will the ext mod solve the issues? I found that ext mod is expensive.. . I am nt driving... Another $40 for taxi ....Maybe want to keep the temp at 27-28 for the time being..

    By the way.. From 28-27 it took abt 45-69mins and it lasted for another 30-45mins befor kicking off again... Is this normal.?

    In betw, I set up separate lines for my chiller.. I found the canister outflow max is only 360l/h... And my chiller intake is 250-1000...

  3. i found out the problem. My chiller is working good. It was caused by the return pipe from the external canister which it took inflow from the chiller outflow.i'm running 300l/h pump for my canister which was too slow and by the time it returned back to the tank, the water has warmed up...for the time i regulated the canister outflow to 30% to resolve this issue. thanks everyone ...

  4. I only know of one at boon Keng. Shop name is bio plast, I get my chiller mod there. Good service but price not sure. Should not be more then 100 if not wrong. Any bro can input for lfs doing chiller service? Maybe can try call aquamarin and sealife, think they also doing servicing for chiller

    Did you do the ext themostat mod? can share with me how much ?

  5. the difference betw my themometer and chiller is more than 1.5. e.g. my chiller shows 28.5 but themometer shows <27 . ya i fine tuned my chiller at -1.5 (max) to match my themometer... but to cool down 1 deg .. it takes more than 1 hr..

  6. Sorry bro.. i am using a hailea 1/10 HP for a 130l tank with a 1000l/h pump. hmm.. ya you're right the intermostat does not register the correct temp when i compared with it with a themometer... but my concern is it took longer than before for chilling .. it happens only after i disconnected to connect to my canister but revert everything back after i found out pump - > canister -> chiller does not work correctly because of the flow rate... any idea what could go wrong for my chiller now? Do i need to prime my chiller?

  7. Some chiller might kick in and kick off at a very short interval between 15 - 30min. The external will improve the kick in and kick off maybe to 30-45min kick in and 1.5-2 hours kick off. In additional it is reading the temperature from your tank(sump or main) and should provide more accurate temperature reading.

    Bro, any idea who can do the external chiller mod for me?? I'm quited tempted.

  8. EcoSmart Tidal Swell Mode

    In this EcoSmart mode water is circulated to create a harmonic balance in your aquarium reminiscent of the changing flow conditions that would be found in nature. Over the course of several hours, the flow pattern will go from very chaotic with an emphasis on left to right flow direction to an emphasis on right to left flow direction, all the while experiencing calm period in between and followed by a great surge of flow at the very end of the cycle. Adjusting the dial changes the maximum speed achieved at any time during this mode. Slave pumps should be positioned opposite the master and on the back of the tank to take full advantage of the EcoSmart modes.

    EcoSmart Nutrient Transport Mode

    EcoSmart Nutrient Transport Mode

    In this EcoSmart mode, water is circulated in a two phase program consisting of wave motion to stir up detritus and surging motion to move the detritus into your overflow where it can be skimmed out. This effect promotes maximum health and nutrient export, as well as increased growth for sensitive corals such as SPS. Adjusting the dial changes the maximum speed achieved at any time during this mode. Slave pumps should be positioned opposite the master and on the back of the tank to take full advantage of the EcoSmart modes.

    I'm getting excited...:P

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