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Posts posted by lcf425

  1. lol... no lah bro... just any one of them... :)

    double check so i just buy anyone then i use use in on the tap water and add salt to the correct saltiny level leave it for a day then can use to my tank correct???

  2. In the 70s we can just leave tap water overnight; chlorine will dissipate and water is safe for fishes. However, modern water treatment processes add not just chlorine but chloramines which is more stable and will not dissipate easily. Thus, the best way is to use water conditioners below to treat your tap water before using it.

    Tetra Aquasafe

    SeaChem Prime

    Kordon AmQuel Plus

    API Ammo-Lock

    Do note that water conditioners do not only removes Chlorine or Chloramines but some also will bind heavy metals that are usually found in tap water especially Singapore which predominantly uses copper pipings.

    HTH :)

    so i have to buy all 4?? would buying distill of the shelf save more??

  3. Hi bro,

    Boiling water or boiled water is not distilled water. Distillation involves evaporation of water free from impurities and condenses in a separated container. The impurities will remain in the vat used to boil the water. When we boil the water, all impurities remains in the water.

    Distilled Water

    De-ionised water is using Ion exchange media to trap impurities in order to get clean water. Some will even add Reverse Osmosis process into the DI stage to have better results. RO membrane to remove particulates where by DI to further removes dissolves impurities.

    DI Water

    Each of the above have its own pros and cons, you may want to weigh them before committing.

    However, if you are not intending to keep demanding corals such as SPS, my personal choice will be de-chlorinated tap water. ;)

    so just for a fower tank i just de-chlorinated tap water??if so how do i do that??btw any idea if diamond water is de-chlorinated??

  4. When you talk about distilled water are you talking about boiling your water or buying boiled water. if you read the salt container it says to use RO water, the reason is RO water has a PH of 6+ well below neutral 7.0, the acidity help to break the salt down, the salts buffer is designed to work with acidic water to bring the level to 8.2-8.4

    See one companies instruction:

    Mixing Directions:

    Dissolve 1/2 cup of Sea Salt Mix in one gallon of water (.29 lb per gallon). For best results, use de-chlorinated de-ionized or best if used reverse osmosis water.

    Briefly agitate salt solution with a small pump.

    Measure salinity (specific gravity) with a hydrometer. Adjust salinity (increase or decrease) to the desired level. This can be done by adding salt or water, respectively.

    so where do i get RO from?? is it the same as distill water??

  5. Greetings! Have a tub of cheato to be given free. However, i will give 1/2 tub each to 2 persons. I think 1/2 tub is more than ennuf to start and actually is more effective.

    Collection tomolo 8 to 9pm at clementi west st1, near west coast plaza.

    i will sms the address to the first 2 persons who leave their mobile no.

    thank you

    whats a cheato?? i reverse first lol 91289457

  6. 150kg of cured liverocks in various sizes and encrusted with purple coraline algae for sale at approx. $5 a kg. Will accept purchase of any amount but you need to bring your own pail or carton box if possible.

    Please contact me at 97470599 if interested.

    Thank you.


    where to collect??

  7. Most of corals posted have been sold & taken.

    Corals left:

    1) Combo zoas - $100 will throw in another 2 red indo zoas and eagle eyes with 30 polyps each.

    2) yellow star polyps - $8

    3) Red gonio - $10 (colour run a bit)

    4) Clams bule and brown with blue lining - $30 for 2

    5) hammer - $10

    6) blue sps $10

    7) green birdnest $10

    8) green gonio $10

    9) Red mushrooms- actually reserved by a bro but i lost the contact. Pls contact me again.

    All fishes currently reserved by some bro already.

    interested in your hammer/blue sps/green birdnest/green gonio/red gonio/yellow star polyps

    sms me at 91289457 jonathan TY!

  8. Depends on how much you pay for it. A lot of money = expensive. Less money = cheap.

    What kind of question is this??? :chair:

    Edit: Sorry if my tone sounds harsh, but seriously the value of your corals is determined by how much you like it. How much you pay at the shop is another matter.

    oh i thought like there is a grade for yumas therefore saying expensive or cheap yumas lo

  9. There are cheap yumas too, quite common with indo shipments. As I said, prices depend on a lot of factors, mainly colour and demand. $5 for a rock of yuma is not unusual.

    erm then how to know its a expensive and cheap yuma???

  10. yumas have irregularly shapes bubbles and bumps. giving it a rough, warty lookign surface.

    rics have smooth round and somewhat similar shaped bumps. the bubbles and bumps are very tightly spaced giving it a very "bunch of grapes" look.

    also, rics never appear in any other shipment except carribean.

    meaning to say if i have a mushroom with alot of bumps and rough looks its a yumas??? cause i bought one at 5bucks with alot on it so kinda thinking it cant be a yumas since its suspose to be that expensive =.=

  11. if 1 ricordea (yuma or florida) has only one mouth, cut through the middle of the mouth and both halves will heal into a full ricordea.

    in the event you miss the middle of the mouth, and end up with a full mouth on one frag and the other frag without a mouth, the other frag will/might heal and grow a new mouth (as what terryz has mentioned)

    erm then how does a yuma differ from a mushroom they look alike -.- please advice ^^

  12. lcf425, this is a good article on the genus Ricordea, which includes detailed information on the two species. R. florida and R.yuma.

    waaa need to cut the thing to glue on the rock?? but still dun understand why its so expensive=.=

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