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Everything posted by liquidnoise

  1. For those who remembered, started a 1 ft tank for my mum. By chance we got a 322 cabimnet slump. Hence i am seeking help again to set up the slump, looking to buy second hand stuff if any1 selling. There are 3 compartments in the slump. 1st compartment is where the inlet from the overflow 2nd i think for media 3rd return pump. There is a small glass tank in the slump. Wondering wat issit for. Any1 can help recommend how to set up the slump. Thanks
  2. As stated, have a big bag of fake live rocks. If no takers by this weekend will throw away. Thanks
  3. Just to share. We are using a fan hence water dries pretty fast. My mum just top water. I told her to test first as over time topping up will dillute the water. So if its too diluted I ask her to add a little (not alot) bcoz if its too much it will be too concentrated when the water evaporates again
  4. tats wat we did. anyways, managed to catch the crab with my bare hands. saw the crab on the sand quickly use long stick to pin the fellow down the use hand to take it out. Now the crab is living in the chicken essence bottle alone. Suprise it can live so long with only water. drop alittle food for the fellow to eat.
  5. i was tinking. Wat if we use a half a pcs of MP? we only have a small nano tank hence if we catch the shrimp dunno where to keep.
  6. but the problem is that the cleaner shrimp is fast worker. grabs the MP before anything else.
  7. i set up the trap with a birdnest glass bottle. cut the MP to small bits. my cleaner shrimp i think stole it. But when I first left it in side we SAW 4 centi looking worming crawling out pointing towards the direction! WTF!
  8. i just did the trap yesteray. we cut the MP into smaller bits. slant a little. the cleaner shrimp i tink stole it. Morning when we woke up the cup was empty and there is no crab or worm inside. Do we use whole MP or half a MP?
  9. I m going to try this method. But i tink my shrimp eats MP as well. How?
  10. Given to so super duper flendly couple! u know who u are! BTW, Anemone eat MP yesterday! was amazed!
  11. The clown doing TOO well. Plus the tank is small for the fellow. so decided to give it away.
  12. priority will be given to those who can collect tonite or wanna contribute to the tank..keke thanks my number 90115357
  13. serangoon area. my house basically. pm me so i can give u my number.
  14. As stated, wanna give a dark 3 - 4 inch clown fish. If you have any corals or reefs it will be good. If not no worries.
  15. Picture of how it looks like.. Any1 wants to trade any coral for the clown fish? please pm me.
  16. really love the fish....haiz so sad tat it died. heart breaks
  17. just make sure the biomedia is stacked..at least tats my practice frm FW days. clean the wool often. Livestock is very hard at least for our set up. Corals and all doing well. Fan apparently is a must
  18. i think i saw a mini crab in my nano tank tat looks like the crab. is it really necessary to remove from the tank?
  19. found a mini crab inside the tank. i read some crabs not good. cun manage to take a pic coz its always hidding. Its like black looking crab think a little hairy like china king crab. but can see clearly as its always hidden.
  20. i saw in pasir ris the aunty have 1 in a nano tank with no wave maker or lights.
  21. We just started a 1ft tank. everything looks good for corals but fishes so far we bought 3 all died within less then a week. So we decided no fish for now. shrimps are hardy, our slug is so far good.
  22. for now, goinng to not keep fishes. heart breaks to see the cute box fish die. At least that is wat my mum wants now. No fish for now
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