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Everything posted by liquidnoise

  1. just to share, i saw my shrimp catcg one and ate it up. looks like earth worm like u describe
  2. Haiz, today all the fish died. water condition is good maybe too salty. All the corals doing very well. Slug is fine and the shrimp actually changed shell. Bt we found many many white spots on the glass. They move and are alive! any1 can help advice if rthey are harmful? and if they kills my 2 clown and 1 box fish
  3. Recently did a water change. My mum over "salt" the water" the mushroom all shrink and some have white slim. Took those that looked really bad out. Its been 1 wk plus and the water condition is good. bt there is still no sign of recovery. Any1 can advice
  4. Yaps, its a good thing we didnt throw the purple thing away. Its also starting to open....now left mushrooms still not doing well
  5. We have finally stock up. Not alot as its filled with alot of rocks. NO3 is finally Zero!
  6. long long time ago, we kept 1. pretty easy to keep. they eat MP so tats even easier. but the problem arise as my mum likes to move the scape her tank so decided to give it away again
  7. are these easy to keep in a nano tank?
  8. Last time the cannisters not washed for 1 yr at a go..kekeke the FGT for glass rings also not washed for many many years
  9. so can i keep this fish in a nano tank?
  10. Hey, thanks alot. Will take up the offer for the hydrometer. SURE! will love to meet up with you...if its not too much trouble can come visit our humble house to see the set up? Bought this purple tthing. In the LFS all covered with small flowers. Brought home end up all not open plus edges starting to turn white. NO3 is 40ppm. ph is 7 water temp is 26degree..all others are doing well at least from the looks of it. Oh, in FW we try not to rinse them....oohh dear, coz its all dumped into the IOS compartment hence very difficult to take out..when you going to the shops? maybe can tag along to learn
  11. BTW, there is like a yellow sponge thing attached to the snail..faintz
  12. after a few days, why does one of the mushroom looks like it wanna detach itself from the rock. those near the sand seems have detached from the rock!
  13. Distilled water is where the steam vapor is gather to water leaving the other substance behind. If its boiled then wouldn't the rest of the substance be more concentrated? We boil water to kill the germs and to clear the chorine? actually never really think why we boil water...
  14. thx for the advice. will get the refractormeter! cheers
  15. Just thinking out loud. FOr a old woman who basically wanna sit and watch the tank. does she really need all so many equipment?
  16. Thx, its helpful. now is to see wat corals to add! cun wait to stock up the tank soon
  17. On the fan over night to check on the teamp. Maybe coz its a cold note but the temp dropped to 25 degree. so guess coral / reef is ok? If we wanna keep coral should we on the light 24hrs?
  18. we starting to see forming (actually my mum shout for me when he ask where is there form in the skimmer). Just a quick qns on weather the salt is too much of too little. We topped up water yesterday, as it is a small amount and our measurement device is the floating thing hence cannot measure small amount of water. Its been a week plus therefore i cannot recall (we dipped the device in the water without the marine mix). If its too salty it is above or below the green zone? Now the water is below the green zone, issit cause its too salty?
  19. Maybe for a start try out with easy zoas / corals. Once this small start tank my mum is comfortable in handling (son to do all the work) if her interest increase then we may upgrade the tank or even set up another bigger tank. So now its baby steps. I hope.
  20. Just to share my experience but its FW pond experience. Not sure if its applicable. In FW Phosphate is also the cause for green algae, this is especially so for tanks or pond that has direct sunlight. My house used to have a dugged in pond in the front yard. When we first started we had issues as the walls of the pond is slimmy and greenish. This do nt have much impact as its dugged in. But with time the water also becum greenish. What we did was to increase the flow rate and increase the frequency of the white wool washing. We also stack up white wool (mechanical filteration). The water cleared within a week. For tanks, I know some people use UV light. BTW, the pond used to house sting rays hence we did not want to use chemical to remove the algae boom.
  21. Think the skimmer is weipro i think will confirm later once i get home. tried to use DSLR camera but cannot seem to focus on the hairlets i was talking about. So just use phone camera to take
  22. wanna get some cleaning crew to start work. any1 know where to get some? snails or watever tats small as the tank is only 1ft. LFS sells snails?
  23. Nw we have shifted the tank to another end...just parents wanna rearrange the hall. Not sure how long the tank was stopped for but when we started it up and my mum rearrange the rocks i saw 2 strange things: 1. 1 pole thing sticking out of one of the rocks. Looks like one strand of toilet brush. Not moving cun see and thing except just strand of brownish thing sticking out. 2. There are like transparent hair on one of the rocks. R these harmful?
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