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Everything posted by RAV-65

  1. hi all, setting up my new tank soon, need to get liverocks urgently... Pls PM me if you have any to sell. Need about 20kg... Thanxs! Vincent Ho 96875522
  2. Dun think I will be getting SPS, its gonna be mainly LPS and soft corals... dat's why I might just get T5s, but the high cost to it as compared to getting a industrial MH light set is kindda putting me off! Den again, I dun intend to use a chiller, juz fans and the MH would cuase the temp to swing up and down... Vincent Ho
  3. Bro, like i mentioned, those bubbles could be nitrogen gas produced at the end of the nitrogen cycle.... Can anyone confirm this? Vincent Ho
  4. Dat is probably one of the rarest angels around... Vincent Ho
  5. Actually, i had boxfishes dat are fast eaters, but thy normally dun eat much.... like they eat 4-5 pieces of brine shrimp, den they rest liao.... Vincent Ho
  6. come to tink of it, would the apple die due to hunger? and spread its toxin?!!?
  7. hi all, really need some advice here, me planning to get a new tank soon, and still stuck between the T5 or MH, was planning to use a MH 1x250W 10,000K, but like to know if the T5 can really replace the MH? would it be good enough for my LPS and soft corals if i use a T5? Vincent Ho
  8. I almost fell off my chair! I tink I got blurred vision, they look sooo.... erm... fat... wahahahahahaa
  9. all the other parameters are impt... like nitrate, salinity, ph is abit high, den also your phosphate ? the best is measure everything... the temp also? no point keep guessing rite?
  10. posted this thread some time ago... you guys might wanna read it... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=12715&st=0 Vincent Ho
  11. There's one near Permas after the go-karting place... called "Hai Huang"
  12. sorry, in case i got it wrong, does DI refer to de-ioniser? is there one for marine tanks? Vincent Ho
  13. i tink no diff between the "cheong" and CITES ones... juz that the CITES ones got license to sell... anyone can confirm? Vincent Ho
  14. Michael, care to explain more about the DI? I'm keen to know... Vincent Ho
  15. congrats bro.... dat's a pretty big tank you plan to have... i tink if its me, i need more than the home minister's approval, i probably need to use the National Reserves.... Anyway, there's a guy by the name tank-maker, you may wan to search for him under the memer's search, as the name implies, the customise tanks.... there's another guy who's nick i 4got liao... Vincent Ho
  16. For optimum results and if you have a small tank, you may wanna use distilled water to mix salt with.... coz tapwater can contain high levels of no3 too... try testing your tapwater at home... but if you tank is 3 feet, you may have to spend quite a bomb on the distilled water... for 2 feet, should be pretty okay... Vincent Ho
  17. i think they juz need time to stable down again... as for the ich, it could have been there all along, even if you never experienced an outbreak, but the stress to the fish caused them to be vulnerable to ich again... So feed them with garlic, they should be okay soon... Vincent Ho
  18. those doesn't seem like holes to me... it was there all along... juz that the tentacles are all shrunk into it... give it some times, it may extend its tentacles again... if your starfish is a chocolate chip, keep it away!!! Vincent Ho
  19. sometimes it may juz be their moving style, coz the stretch their bodies when they are moving... Vincent Ho
  20. Wow! didn't know got blue ones... anyone got a blue frag to sell? I wan to buy leh... Vincent Ho
  21. sorry bro, the only thing you can do is to check your water parameters and try to improve your water conditions... Vincent Ho
  22. i would advise you get a weipro2012 with a pump of at least 2500L/hr output.... the 2013, you need a even more powerful pump, so more $$$..... u have to submerse the pump in the tank, use a guaze or netting to cover the hole to keep your fishes out... Vincent Ho
  23. Bro, i wan the weipro skimmer, can sell me individually? how long have u been using it? Vincent Ho 96875522
  24. If it's still available, i'm interested... Vincent Ho
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