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Posts posted by kira76

  1. Hi all,

    For the past 1 month plus, my Hailea 300A chiller was running perfectally normal with temperature set at 25oC. The main tank temperature reading from my PinPoint wireless themometer was about 26oC, so I live with the 1oC temp difference for the past month and take it that the chiller temp probe was not caliberated properally or not accurate.

    Recently, due to wife complain that chiller is ugly, I've custom make a box to cover the chiller with opening at the front and back for air circulation. However, after installing it on monday night, I woke up tuesday morning with the whole tank cover in condensation builtup. Immidiatelly I knew something was wrong with the chiller. Did a check on the temperature of the main tank and realise that it has gone down to 23oC. Was advice by someone that my pump flow could be too slow. So yesterday bought an eheim compact+ 2000. Installed it last night and set the chiller tempeerature to 27oC.

    Having done all this, my chiller this morning was still displaying a temperature of 27oC++ dispite my PinPoint Wireless themometer showing a main tank temp of 24.9oC. I;ve also notice that the chiller was kicking in much more often then before.

    So is it normal for the chiller to display a temp that was higher than that of the main tank? Or does this only happens to chillers that was housed in confine space?

    My last resort will be to get an external temperature controller to control the chiller..... :cry:

  2. i very hard working, maunual dosing using a syringe

    Hmmm, syringe dose directly at the corals or broadcast at the high flow area as suggested on the box instructions?

    I only started dosing yesterday and did the manual broadcast method. :P

  3. Can I prepare the salt mix in advance and keep it in the container for the nxt few week.is there any harm in doing that?will result in poor quality of the water that is stored under well seal container.


    Don't see why not. Read somewhere that prepared sea water mix can be stored till ready to use.

  4. I've been using this product for a quarter of a month now..been noticing quite good growth in my corals. Any one else use this product? Feel free to comment on other similar products too.

    I've also been thinking of using the sps coral growth from marc weiss...anyone has any experience with it?

    Just got a small little bottle to try out yesterday. Will let you know of the results in a months time.

    Btw, do you dose daily? Cos I ready the instructions states to dose daily.

  5. As a comparision, my 3ft x 2ft x 2ft already cost me more than 4k, and that is after getting a 2nd hand tank, new chiller, lighting, etc, etc. And this was excluding lifestock and corals. With LS and corals easilly add another 1.5k. When I convert to marine, I never imagine that I'll spend close to 300 on rocks! And it's suppose to be alive! :ooh: Guess I left my sanity and wallet at the bottom of my tank.

    Compare this to my old 5ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft aro tank, whole setup alone only cost me about 3k, all brand new stuffs. And this was exculding the XB.

    So ya, I'll say marine is dame expensive! Not to mention the monthly electrical bills......

    Even with years of experience in freshwater tanks and aro, I was cation when switching to marine and know of the cost and effort involved when I finally decided to settle for a 3ft tank. Even so, I never expected to spend more than 5k on this small 3ft tank. So do reconsider and start within your means.

  6. Hmmm, I feed my sun twice everyday, once before I go work and once in the evening. I feed them a mixture of brine and mystic shrimps. But usually the night feed they don't eat much cos they're alway close when the lights are on.

    They seems to be doing fine so far. Eveny night when lights off, will open up big big.

  7. I think your water level too high..as suggested, raise the skimmer on something flat and stable.

    What skimmer are you using?

    Reefocto ORCA 100

    i suspect you used too much epoxy as compared to your volume.

    i got a friend who used many epoxy in a 2 feet tank. he lost almost all life stock including corals.

    do a huge water change.

    Ya Used about 1 1/4 tube. Am monitoring the situation now. Rest of the fishes seems okie so far.

    6line wrasse normally is super hardy.

    Water change with NSW will be good.

    BTW, what epoxy are you using?

    I used the TLF AquaStik Underwater Epoxy Putty.

    dun use the epoxy in the tank...if u want to use those epoxy, u have to remove the rock or coral from your tank...it can crash yr tank bcoz it may cause the water to cloud and irritate some of the corals to release "mucus"...esp some of the acropora sps and soft corals....

    And after u successfully epoxy yr coral onto the rock, u cannot place them back into the water immediately....u have to let it dry first....that's y i stopped using this....

    u can try bsi gel...it's a kind of super glue and it sticks real fast, within secs to a minute n does not cause yr skimmer to go crazy or cloud yr waters.

    Problem is I was doing some rescaping after catching some crabs on certain LR. Did consider using the BSI gel but that would mean I would need to use much more of those.

    This morning, the skimmer is still overskimming but it seems to be improving. Don't see so many forms collected at the collection cup as compared to previous days. Hope things improved, if not, I'll have to do some major waterchange.

    Haiz, another lesson learned the hard way.

  8. You need to do a lot more water change. I dont know if carbon will help. But this is normal if you let epoxy cure underwater. If you let it cure out of water until it is hard then put back, this will not happen. It happened to me and i just change 50 percent water.

    50% water change is a lot. I'm trying to avoid that as it's swing the parameters within the tank. I've lost a SPS due to too sudden increase in kH liao.... Hmmm, maybe I should try active carbon.

    Check your water level.

    Try to lower it

    Can't lower the water level as it is an in sump unit and is at a fix level. I've however open the skimmer exit at maximum liao....

  9. Hi all,

    My Skimmer decided to go crazy on me after I've used some epoxy. Skimmer is overskimming and forms are overflowing from the collection cup. Also lots of micro bubbles coming from the exit of the skimmer.

    I've done a search both online and in SRC and found that the skimmer usially goes back to normal after a few days. But it have been 5 days and it's still the same. I've even cleaned up the skimmer today but it's still gone crazy on me.

    Did scaping last firday, sunday did a 10% water change, today clean up skimmer but it's still overskimming with bubbles overflowing from both the collection cup and exit.

    Anyone can advice on what I should do? Some of my zoas and SPS started to show signs of stress and I've lost a 6 line wrasses and sally lightfoot since last friday.

  10. There will be substantial evaporation unless your environment is very cold & damp.

    Otherwise, you're probably adding in more water than you take out during WC to compensate for the amount evaporated.

    That's the problem. There are some evaporation. But not what I've read in forums or discussion with others where I need to add in more than 1 liter or water per week. I don't seem to have to do that, for now. Previously, when I'm keeping aro without chiller in a 5 feet tank with only 1 tube of T8, the evaporation was like about 1 liter every 2 to 3 days. I'm wondering if it is due to the fact that I'm running a chiller.

    measured using hydro or refractor meter?

    Measured using refractor meter.

  11. Hi, I'm currently running a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank with sump. The tank have been running for about 6 weeks but the funny thing is, I don't see a massive drop in the water level that requires me to top up the water like what I've read in the forum.

    I've check the SG at least once per week and it's constantly at 1.020~21. I've done weekly waterchange of at least 10% and am running the tank with 6 tube T5HO and a 1/4hp chiller set at 25~26 degrees.

    While there are some water lost due to evaporation, it's minimum and doesn't seem to affect the SG. Is this normal? Especially so with the recent hot spells.

  12. Want to give my Goniopora away for a 1.5l bottle of coke.

    This bugger opens up to more than twice it's body size. Fully extended seems to be around 6". Unextended only about 3". Poly looks Ilumm under antinic light. Stem column color seems to be reddish brown. Currently host by my only clownfish.

    Reason for giving, want to free up that space urgently for my new crocea clam, it's mantle seems to be turning brown this morning after I got it yesterday with a maxima. Lost the Maxima this morning, don't wanna lost the crocea too.

    Collect at Sembawang area.

    Interested party please sms/call me at 97676950. Will give to first person that contact me via sms/call and can collect by tonight.

  13. I have some Narsarrious snails and you are right, their shells are different. These are more elongated as compare to the Narsarrious snails which is not smooth elongated. Their shell shapes are like cone snail and have a texture like cowrie... So I'm also not sure what type of snails are they. Had tried looking for it online but couldn't find it.

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