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Posts posted by Clement_jr

  1. Hi all, 

    Few fishes to go: chromis, red sea salfin,  tailspot wrasse, clarkii clown, pink Smith damsel, velvet damsel. Emerald crab

    Few corals, red digitata, red mushrooms, bubbles.

    Few equipment, ocean runner 3000, rio45, maxspect Razer, biopellet reactor, wavemaker with pulse control.Chiller Hailea hc1000 need top up gas.

    Liverocks sufficient to fill 4ft tank

    Tank size is 2*2.5*3ft. Thickness 10mm, black silicone. Too bottom brace.

    Take all for 500. 

    Please contact at 974Ol2l8.




  2. maybe he met a fatal accident whilst on his way to meet you. and then family started to use his computer which does auto login SRC. His phone is used by his grandpa who doesn't know how to answer call. 

    anyway he's dead. and i hope all these makes you feel better. until he's proven alive and contactable.

    Cheers :D

  3. Thanks weeseng, as I see polyp website, their video appears the booster is being targeted at the coral. Perhaps more efficient?

    Any need to turn off skimmer?

    Tofubox, you feed twice weekly is that enough? I feed every other day.

  4. hi all polyp booster user.

    i am using roids these whild and last few days i got a bottle of booster. is it suppose to be target feed to the coral follow by roid?

    or just add to mainflow in the tank?

    how you guys apply it?


  5. hey, thats cool, can share design of the whole flat? btw, it's 4 or 5 room?

    I notice the oven and microwave, its a open kitchen concept?

    How far is the compressor from the tank? How long the piping (estimate?)

    very interested to see the rest of system.


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