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Posts posted by bojyeo

  1. Yub u are right........bought from Steven last week..........condition of his Goldflake not so good then.........torn fins mostly and not eating...........only 1 small size has good ins but too small for my tank............

    Actually, I quarantine alot of fishes together at 1 go in a small 2 ft tank...............use hypo at 1.008 using Pinpoint Salinity monitor for 2 weeks.............until it get too congested with fish and a mild velvet (i suspect) took place which I do copper for 2 days and then transfer to another new bigger quarantine tank for about 1 week before I release into main tank.

    Currently I have 36w UV in my tank. I have experimented ATs throughout my hobby.........at 1 time I even had 4 ATs in my tank...........Ozone cannot help much for Ich........UV helps to stop the spread but hypo is the best without harming the fish........copper is also good for many diseases but not good for the fish...........

    Key thing is :-

    1) Water quality

    2) Congestion leading to stress

    3) Strong water flow

    I think it was generally said that fishes can tahan nitrates better than corals. While it is true, I feel they will die sooner than later.............even more so for sensitve fishes like AT..........

  2. Maculosus -> Ah Beng (cannot remember because I bought a few stuff from him and din check price)

    Gold Flake -> LCK 201 Steven $250

    AT -> LCK201 Steven $250

    I used to have an even rounder AT which is much deeper in colour and fat but died due to a careless mistake of mine. Both ATs in same tank and doing ok.

  3. After decomm for sometime, I decided to bring my 5 x 2.5 x 2.5 ft tank to my office and reset it.

    Here is the link to my fish tank :-

    Still in the midst of adding more corals. Trying to adjust lighting specs and some coral placement and of course adding more fishes!!!........

    Current Stocklist :-

    Blue Tang x 3
    Yellow Tang x 1
    Archilles Tang x 1
    Purple Tang x 1
    Sohal Tang x 1
    Powder Blue Tang x 1
    Rock Beauty Angel x 1
    Blue Face Angel x 1
    Emperor Angel x 1
    Gold Flake Angel x 1
    Asfur Angel x 1
    Maculosus Angel x 1
    Queen Angel x 1
    King Angel x 1
    Scribbled Angel x 1
    Majestic Angel x 1
    Golden Domino x 1

    Wish list :-

    1) Bigger Earspot Angel (Currently have 1 small one from CF but took it down to sump tank due to Asfur and Blueface Angel)

    2) Personnifer Angel

    3) Bandit Angel

    4) Conspic Angel

    5) Flameback Angel

    6) Flame Angel

    7) Mulitcolor Angel

    8) Gray Angel

    9) French Angel

    10) Conspic Angel

    11) Clarion Angel

    12) Blue Line Angel

    13) Chevron Tang

    14) Black Tang

    15) Gem Tang

    Many heavyweight $$$ fishes in the wishlist..........Need some time to stock up else CO find out cost will go DB for sure............. :P

  4. Hi,

    Anyone keen to swop anything with my 2" Earspot Angel? I bought it from Coral Farm earlier this week. Feeding on pellets aggressively but apparently, his Asfur and Blue Face Friend does not like him.

    Oh well, if anyone keen to trade something for him, please let me know. Estimated value of exchange have to be above $100 if not, I got to post in sales thread.

    Thank you.

  5. Hi,

    Keen to buy Bandit Angel. Anyone selling please PM me.

    Also keen on below : -

    4-5" French Angel

    4-5" Personnifer Angel

    5" Queen Angel

    5" Yellow Belly Regal Angel

    African Flameback, Flame Angel, Multicolor Angel (Same Seller)

    Prefer Pellet Feeding Fishes.

    Thank you.

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