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Posts posted by fishyfishyfishy

  1. Thanks bro nice knowing you. I owe you that gems mistaken giving you earlier. You man of your word.

    Thanks again. :cheers:

    Hahah no worries bro, just hope that you'll have me on the top of the list for that zoa when it's ready to be harvested ! Lol !!

    • Like 1
  2. Hello guys,

    Woke up this morning to find my uber cute juvenile lemon peel dead and decomposed.

    I got him for closed to 3 weeks and he was doing absolutely fine except that he keeps on rubbing his body on live rocks and substrate as if he felt itchy. Very often he swims to my cleaner shrimps for cleaning, more often the any other fishes. His body never had traces of white spots. He was eating well and stuffs and yet he suddenly died overnight.

    Can any bros advice what killed it ? Can there be ich without white spots and how long does it takes for ich to kill a fish ? And why such a sudden death ? ;(

    Thanks in advance

  3. In my opinion, I chose not to use wool. It's gona clog up detritus and I don't think it really do much to maintain your water considering the hassle of changing every week. Alternatively you might like to look at poly filter wool, at least it's benefits seems to outweigh it cost of Cumbersome weekly changes.

    I would take out the biomedia and shake it or rise it with salt water every 1 month plus or 2 months to get rid of any detritus.

    Personally I don't use market prawn to cycle, however I guess it would be safe to remove it when ammonia and nitrite reads zero or close to it. I believe you should refrain from water changes during cycling as well.


  4. Hi Bros,

    Just restarted my tank. Took everything out, filter media, sand, water, everything.

    Washed my tank, left the live rocks in the old tank water placed it into newly washed tank, fill in new sand of about 1/2 inches, mix water to abt 1.23 salinity, then pour in.

    This is the new look now.

    I intend to only keep corals and sexy shrimps, no more fish. Scared liao.

    Bros I now have 2 empty compartments originally meant to put in filter media + cartridge (the ocean free qianhu 16 litre tank)

    The previous filter cartridge and coral chips are all brown and disgusting. So what will be a good material to fill it in? More live rocks? (very small kinds or i break them myself) The pura complete will go in later.

    Thanks for any advice bros

    You might like to invest in a good brand of bio media for the filter compartment. You can try looking at bacteria King or biohome. You can also add a quality carbon for water clarity. Last but not least make sure you cycle for at imo at least 2 to 3 weeks with just live rocks you might like to dose bacteria for them to colonize the rocks. You might also like to invest in a little wave maker like those from resun or sunsun (I'm not exactly sure) for better water quality.

    I used to have a similar tank for 4 months too !

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