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Everything posted by tamama

  1. 2 year + old in good working condition. Price: $350 (firm) Interested please pm me for picture or collection. Thank you.
  2. Collection at Serangoon area. $380. You may message me for pic. About 2 year + old. Just decom my 3ft tank. Thanks. 94880692
  3. $60. Used about a year. Collection at Serangoon Garden. Interested please PM. Thanks.
  4. $380 Collection at Serangoon Garden. We can test it before collection. For reference http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/AddProduct.asp?ProdID=681
  5. I read about damsel... very hard to get rid of. Maybe I will start with coral first before I get some fishes later. Maybe I will get 1 yellow tank 1 six line Any other recommended fish that is useful for SPS? Where can I get to buy a large varieties of fishes? I went to iwarna, not many fishes there...
  6. The chiller is still running with my 3 ft shrimp tank which I just decom. Price $400 Collection at Serangoon Garden Interested please PM me your contact number for arrangement. Thank you.
  7. The fish has been collected and hope it will do well there in the new tank. =)
  8. 3 PMs received and the tang is reserved for collection for the first PM. Thank you.
  9. I have a powder blue tang to give away for free. I bought it from iwarna over the weekend and I found it to have ich on its body. however, the ich has disappeared after a few days. Collection at serangoon garden. Interested party please pm me your phone number and I will contact you for collection.
  10. Finally caught the blue tang.. now should be giving it away. I dun have a spare tank to treat it.
  11. Thanks for the advice. I will take it slow from now. =)
  12. I read this and it seems it would be best if I take the fish out for the good of the tank. http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/resources.asp?show=378
  13. Wah... this sounds scary. May I know where to get those good books?
  14. My two yellow wrasse are gone. Could they swim into my inlet piping? Definitely they didnt jump out.
  15. Hi hi, If I mixed the salt and tested the salinity as 1.025, will the parameters drop if I only use the water in a week? Thanks.
  16. The tank is 2 weeks old with bio pellets and bacterial king in the sump. I change water 10% once in two days. Sure. I think I will wait another two weeks before putting coral. But I am still wondering why the calcium level is so low despite the salinity level is at 1.025 and I have been dosing balance C 15ml A everyday.
  17. May I know if you guys use rowa phos that is supposed to control the algae?
  18. woah... we took the picture from the same angle. I am new to marine tank. =)
  19. Just tested with DD test kits, the calcium is still at 350 level after the salinity has been increased to 1.025. Does it mean that I need to increase my dosing rate for calcium?
  20. Finally set up my tank with live rocks and cycling it. I tried to keep salinity as 1.023 but the calcium was tested as 360 even if I tested it on the water after salt mix. Now I am trying to increase the salinity to 1.025 and see how it goes. Any recommended salt mix for SPS? I have bought two 3 fishes - 2 yellow wrasse and 1 powder blue tang. Now the powder blue tang got white spots on its body already maybe due to stress. What can I do with it? How long can I put SPS coral in? As long as the water parameters are stable?
  21. recommend Vincent from Aquarium Artist. Sump and piping are done nicely, fitting the equipments just nicely. =)
  22. Great to hear this. May I know what are your water parameters? Thanks.
  23. Thanks for the advise. I intend to keep mostly SPS and minor LPS. May I know what I should put first if I am not putting SPS?
  24. Dear all I am a very new newbie and planting to document the tank setup process (probably to learn from the mistakes or to be guided by the pros). In any case, I hope this would make it meaningful for the other potential reef hobbyists to pick up this hobby. Here it goes. To cut short the story. I have ordered a customed tank and bought some of the hardware and software. What have arrived (as shown in photo): Cabinet Arctica chiller 1/4hp ZE RO EX 5.1 Tunze 6045 Dymax clip on light for refugium A bag of live sand C-Balance A and B SeaElements BSI gel Epoputty H2O salt mix 60L drum Test kits What have not arrived(pending delivery): Tank (2ftx2ftx45cm) Sump Pump AquaMaster LED Light Protein skimmer Fluid reactors Refractometer Biopellet Rowa phos I will keep it updated along the way and think I will only receive the rest of the items by end of June before I can even go and choose the rocks. I already bought some SPS frags, but I think I need to wait long long before I can collect them.
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