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John Deroe Kenedy

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Status Updates posted by John Deroe Kenedy

  1. Everyone at home talking about going to RWS Marine Life Park.. Even Ayah n Ibu.. dang dah lame tk uat family outing..

    1. braincoral


      Broughtt yearly pass fir both attraction

  2. Finally the war between the Palestinians n Israelis has ended with a truce. But I'm sure its just a "Temporary" truce. They are going to spark again sooner or later. Just have to see who start it first.

  3. FMF and Pro Circuit full system utuk WR200 legal ke tk ahh? Mcm ramai je pakai tu pipe. Harga dia pon mcm harga street legal.

  4. Fork Oil Seal Leaking. Suayyyy. Warranty, here I come.

  5. Go home need to visit Clementi buy fish food, Jurong West for parrot food... alahai malas nye nk naek bus 99..

  6. Good Morning Peeps... Off to Work now... Yawnnnn

  7. Good Morning People.. Mcm nk amek M jek nari..

  8. Good Morning! Long day ahead. Fishimg tonight anyone?

  9. Good Morning! OTW to work. Late Late Late

  10. Government setting up more rental flats for lower class citizens? Yah right, more for Foreign people.

  11. Grave Encouters 2.. Lame shit ever.. Boring Story Line... BUT, guys who wanna scare the shit of you're girls, do bring them n watch ... HAHA!

  12. Great Jarhead is on TV...

  13. Great.. People ask me y do i waste money to spend it on DJ Courses amd DJ Equipment. They Disallowed me to work in Clubs, they say being a DJ has no future and I might end up like my brother. Simple, the answer will be "I have a passion for music. I need equipments to fulfill my passion. Learning is the first step of succeeding. There's no harm working in clubs, I work to earn a living n to fulfill my passion, not hanky pankying around. Additional, being a DJ doesnt mean that its for club...

  14. Haha! I'm a half free man. Whatever that is. December taking license again.

  15. HAHA! Sape g Zoukout standby poncho ehhh.. Rainy Season!!!

  16. Hai clutch plate, kau bikin problem plak time2 gini.

  17. Haraam.. Motor, Road Tax, COE semua nk kene bayar. Road quality tkde. Tunggu traffic light 10 minit tk tukar2. Kerete datang baru dia tukar. Sensor cheapskate tk boleh detect motor. Nanti bila langgar red light sebab sensor cheapskate tu, kene saman. Make sense tk?

  18. Harlem Shake = Orang Orang Terlepas Dari Institude Of Mental Health. Salah Obat.

  19. Have anyone seen 2nd KTM 200 anywhere.. Want to get TZM not worth it. Insurance $450... Offroad bike Insurance only $240...

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