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John Deroe Kenedy

SRC Member
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Status Updates posted by John Deroe Kenedy

  1. Off to Lim Chu Kang and Pasir Ris... Buy fishy2..

  2. Big Brother Wants a Yamaha WR200... LiL Sister wants Husqvarna 125 SM... Adik, WR200 sudah la, kau pon blom ada lesen lagi.. Nanti dah 1 year gitu kau carry on la. Kalau tak amacam KTM 200 EXC 2013?? Hahah tu part mau abg isap rumput, makan batu..

  3. Kiwek... Nk Convert Motard Mahal kape!!!

  4. People: The Craziest are The Nicest. The Prouds are The Arrogants. The Silents are The Boredoms. The Norms are just Normal.

  5. FMF and Pro Circuit full system utuk WR200 legal ke tk ahh? Mcm ramai je pakai tu pipe. Harga dia pon mcm harga street legal.

  6. Woohuuu next week da boleh keluarkan... merayap time

  7. Siape nk jadi sub rider aku?? Angkat tangan...

  8. Hoho.. SBF 11th Anniversary, MX Helmet from $29.. GOGOGOGO!

  9. Tk favourite sak gambar baru kt kotak rokok. Especially the one with the eyes. Spooky.

  10. Today not Working. Mother ask to cook since she's tired.. Nk masak ape seh? Beef Fried Rice? Seafood Hong Kong? Alfredo Pasta?

  11. People ask me why don't i move on? Simple, hati blom terbukak utk terime org lain. Simple as that, so don't tell me to move on coz I sincerely can't.

  12. Tk favourite siol re wire commercial airliner punye engine. Stress

  13. Dear riders, please do not speed at Safra Jurong road. It freaking slippery due to sand. A car speed at that very road, crush into a tree and everyone died. Same as previous year, a motorcyclist died in a accident at the same road.

  14. Mendak, ngantok, penat.

  15. Yippeee Besok motor dah keluar cuci motor jom

  16. Mcm babi binatang punya M1... 3G ade, call tk bolehhh

  17. To Follow or Not To Follow? A Big Decision Which Will Change Everything

  18. Crite Minyak Dagu dah keluar kt mio TV.. Tapi $11, gile babi

  19. Off to work.. Sleepy mode.

  20. Home Already.. Want to Sleep for awhile.. Ngantok giler

  21. Looks may be deceiving. Never judge something by its cover.

  22. Fork Oil Seal Leaking. Suayyyy. Warranty, here I come.

  23. Corner baring vs Corner terlentang mana lagi maut? Bahaha

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