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Posts posted by DottyClown

  1. If your pump is not fully submerged in water, it will be sucking air and pumping out bubbles. The lifespan of your pump will also be affected.

    If your pump is fully submerged in water, and you still get bubbles being pumped out. Then maybe there is a crack somewhere on the pipeline or joints are not sealed properly.

  2. Hi,

    Recently noticed some pods in my nano tank. Its body is approx 2mm length. (pls forgive the quality of the pics)

    I can't tell if they are Isopods, Copepods or Amphipods.

    Can anyone help ID?

    I have positively identified Copepods in tank, very small, approx 1mm. But these new pods looks different.

    Where does all these pods come from? Am using NSW, so maybe thats how they were introduced into the tank.


  3. Yes it is possible NSW has parasites.. NSW, Live Sand, Live Rock..

    When I first started reefing with my Nano, I use those 3 item and parasite is a non stop battle

    When i upgraded to 3 footer, i didnt use NSW nor Livesand and i wanted to use dead reef rock but too bad MadPetz didnt bring them in anymore.

    so I didnt have a choice but to cure my LR...

    So if it is possible that NSW used for water changes can contain parasites like ICH. Then the purpose of QT new fishes, corals, even LR, is defeated, unless one is using self-mixed salt water for water changes. Right?

  4. Hi,

    I'm not sure if anybody have ever wondered or questioned....it is highly recommended to QT all new fishes before introducing them into your main display tank. This serves many purposes, with one being to prevent parasites, like ich, from being transferred into the display tank.

    Parasites could be carried on the fish body, but it could also be free floating in the water that the fish is shipped in.

    What about the NSW that we purchase from any lfs? Are the NSW treated differently from the NSW that the fishes are swimming in?

    If not, isn't there a possibility that parasites are also present in the NSW we are using for routine water changes? So when we do water changes, we are risking introducing parasites into the main display tank?

    Would appreciate if anyone with better understanding on this matter to advise, thanks.

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