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Everything posted by waterperson

  1. ya noticed that the pe is better at night too. I've seen tanks where the pe is also good in the day. So trying to achieve the same thing. Not sure if this is fiddling with the sps nature.
  2. Thanks Xiggie, for the kalk vineger mixing instructions. Did u get better sps pe with the vinegar dosing? Some articles state that the bacteria is a good food source for the sps.
  3. Thanks for the advice, Bombom Seems like there are quite a few articles on vinegar in kalkwasser. Will read them in detail to make a call. Anyone using kalk with vinegar can comment further?
  4. The amount of kalkwasser i can add in top off water is reaching its threshold but the corals are craving more. Just want to know if its possible to add kalk in premixed saltwater during water change. I can drip it in overnight to prevent ph swings. Trying to stretch the use of kalk before venturing into two parts solution or calcium reactor. Thanks for any advice.
  5. Looks like the sps is stablising and healing after removing the snails. Well, lesson learnt. Need to not just enjoy the tank during daytime, after dark also need to wipe out the torchlight to do some viewing. And it's great to have senior reefers around to help id and give advice.
  6. Looks like I need to do some night hunting. Thx again
  7. Thank you Xiggie. tat explains a couple sps losing color. They must be stressed out. Do the snails just eat the tissue till they are done?
  8. Any experts can help to id this snail sneaking around a sps coral. Big thx
  9. Well, with my crappy phone camera, this is probably the best. They are gone from my tank already so not a concern now but just curious. Anyway, thanks for trying to help.
  10. +1 skimmer. You can dilute the nitrate/phosphate with water changes. Hmm but the pods in refugium ...
  11. Livestocks are already weakened during the shipment. Sometimes we buy them at the point when they start to fail but without any visual signs yet. So they die in our tanks after a couple days. Although its a sad loss, if you have done your part with proper care and acclimation, don't fret too much. ps: Maroons are more aggressive than the normal clowns. You might want to consider giving them more space and different anemones or hiding spaces.
  12. Is this a pest? Its looks like got 4 tentacles and a few times bigger than the pods.
  13. From your description, sounds really like pods. Can faintly see them on rocks but they are clearer on algae or on your macro algae.
  14. Guess I will leave the back glass alone for now until the pods population is substantial. Thx for all the advices. Cheers
  15. My pods finally spread from refugium to my main tank but they only hangout on my back glass and rocks with algae on them. Question is, if I clean off the algae, will the pods go off as well?
  16. If ur ammonia is still detectable after a few hours, it means ur tank cannot cope. Something is releasing it slowly. It could be die off from ur rock shift. Maybe restrict ur rock shift to minor moves till ur tank matures like 5-6 mths
  17. You should be skimming something with fishes feeding. Try playing around with the water levels n skim wet. On another tot, try getting ur inverts from another source if ur previous attempts are all from same lfs. Ps: u are doing lots rite but not getting the results, feels strange. Hang in there
  18. Good effort in drip acclimate your inverts. It's strange they all did not survive. You might have a copper medicated item in the tank. Is your tank fully cycled? Are your fishes showing any signs of stress? If your tank is cycled, a 5-10% weekly water change should be enough. Maybe more info on water parameters might help pinpoint the problem.
  19. Looks like I got many excuses to visit more lfs n farms.
  20. Pardon me. Where's TFC? One of the sponsor?
  21. Thank you Angel K. Anyone else has a different experience?
  22. im reading conflicting descriptions of Melanurus and sixline wrasses. Which one is more aggressive and should be added last?
  23. That's the reason some had decided to put their refugium above the main tank so that the water is gravity fed. Not sure if the actual benefit of increased pods in main tank is substantial for the trouble.
  24. Thx for the tip. Need to plan a visit there then over the weekend.
  25. Thinking of adding some wrasses to my tank. Looking for Cosmetus, Melanurus and yellow wrasses. Anyone seen them somewhere or knows which reputable places sell them. Cheers. ps: Tank is 2-3 mths old. Is it too early to add wrasses.
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