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Posts posted by cly2012

  1. Hi all,

    Currently i have a 3feet by 1.5 feet tank.

    The inhabitants are 1 YT, 2 tomato clowns, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 coral beauty, 1 algae blenny and 1 mandarin fish. Tank has been running for slightly over a year now.

    I kinda want to add 2 more fish. I have tried to add flame angel ( but it just mysteriously dies every time (3 in total), so im not going to try another.... I tried adding a royal gramma as well, but the clowns and damsel are just too aggressive.

    Any suggestions of what fish i can add to my setup?

  2. I think ur led light is the cause I am also using maxspect, i tried to go 50 percent white and 80 percent blue. One of my brain coral bleached within a few hrs. Imo if u r only keeping lps. U may want to never exceed 60 percent. I had fairly good success with a:30 b:60

  3. Just found out they are some sort of macro algae. The more i try to get them out, few more sprout in some other place. Kinda irritating tbh. Nitrate is at 5ppm, phosphate im not sure. I do dose liquid phosphate remover weekly though. Anyway, care to share why they are the bad kinds? Or not good? I would think they are much better compared to diatoms or slime algae.

  4. Tapwater has ~90ppm of TDS. If u r keeping mushrooms and some hardy LPS you can probably get away with tapwater wc. However be prepared to deal with alot of nuisance algae.

    I do a few WC without knowing my DI is already exhausted and lots of algae pretty much grew within the hours.

  5. Figured i should chime in on this.

    I too bought a blue tang about 3-4 weeks ago.

    It starts to have "ich" just few hours after i placed it in the DT. However for the following 2 weeks it is eating very well and the spots comes and go like every couple of hrs (IE morning got white spot, evening its all gone). So against better judgement i left it in the DT hoping that it will cure itself in due time.

    On the 3rd week, it just suddenly got worse. It went from white spots to white patches that loosely hangs on its body. Within a few hours all my other fish caught the same symptoms. My entire tank got wiped out with the exception of 6line wrasse. (total causalities 1x royal gamme, 2x fire fish, 2x clowns, 1x blue tang)

    So on the hindsight, i should have removed the blue tang much earlier. And i'm guessing that my fish had caught something else much more deadly than ich.

    As such i will recommend that you may want to isolate the blue tang ASAP and set up a small QT for it.

  6. U will probably need a wavemaker for aeration and circulation. If not liverocks will foul up and your house will stink to the high heavens.

    On a side note, you may want to wait for your tank to be completely ready before u start filling up with water and etc.

    Best thing to do imo is to start shopping for the essential equipments at this stage

  7. Just today, there is a wound on the coral and with exposed white flesh.

    What can possibily cause this? I did found some yellow slug creatures in the tank that appeared yesterday. (Photos uploaded in ID forum) not sure if that may be the cause.

    Nitrate measured at 5ppm

    Calcium at 430 ppm

    Salinity 1.025

    Ph 8



  8. Just today, there is a wound on the coral and with exposed white flesh.

    What can possibily cause this? I did found some yellow slug creatures in the tank that appeared yesterday. (Photos uploaded in ID forum) not sure if that may be the cause.

    Nitrate measured at 5ppm

    Calcium at 430 ppm

    Salinity 1.025

    Ph 8


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