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Everything posted by wangjo

  1. Was fixing up my 4-ft DIY T5 kit when there was a short circuit which tripped my flat's power supply. I called a 24-hr emergency advert in the electrical section in the ST and got my ELCB changed. Was mad when I was charged $250 for a 10 mins' job & a h/w that does not cost >$50. It was illogical even if I factored in the weekend & transport charges. I have already lodged a complaint to Case & the association for licensed electricians. However, I did not expect money refund but just wanted to get justice done & to prevent other folks from being conned. I would treat this as an early give-away ang-pow ! So here, pls check out all cost details & agreed upon before you allowed the work to be carried out. Do not be extorted even though your filter & light systems are down. There are always more than 1 service company out there. The unsrupulous contractor I got has an advert almost everyday in the ST. Their tel # is :68581111 & has an add at 10 International Plaza.
  2. Can anyone tell me the name of this fish ? Took this pic last weekend at Soyak Wreck (Tioman). It was more than a metre long. Did not go too near it in case it bites. Looks like a resident there. Will try to pat it next time if it is advisable.
  3. Not totally correct. We have US Gallon (3.78..l)& UK(4.54..l) Gallon. Also for tonnage.... Just have to look out for US, UK or metric (ISO).
  4. Oops. Press RETURN too fast... Probably just view the difference in $ as the service charge. Was @ Coralfarm last weekend with a fren who got 1 big chunk of mushroom (do know wat name) for about $4. Well no service & ya, not to mention the petrol used !
  5. Kingfisher, How long did u wait ? I am the impatient type... I will just remove my LR & stuff in those chilli.... ha ha ....
  6. Thank you guys for all your CRAB stories... I mean true experiences... Decided to go ahead the WAR with that crab of mine. No UN can stop me now... Initially thought of letting it grow bigger, probably > 1kg ??? before slaughtering it for Chilli Crab....
  7. Got a crab hiding in my LR. I am sure it came with those rocks that I bought from SL. I do not have a good chance of taking any pic cos this guy's always hiding, only appears when the light's off or no movement around. It is grey in color that camouflages well with the LR. About 2x2 cm. The problem is that I suspect it killed my Candy shrimp cos I ever saw it attacked my unwary damsel that comes close to it when the light's off. Luckily damsels are alert & agile lot, not to mention aggressiveness. Should I get rid of it or leave it alone ? Is it beneficial in a community tank. Or else I am thinking of Chilli crab for this CNY eve's dinner......
  8. CKS, thanks for the info. Do not know whether those we are getting here are from Hawaii. From the pic, it seems to be a bit different & I have seen one very big one (about the size of a Sea Apple) @ T-95. BTW, do not see any lesser algae with them around. Will not be buying any until have learnt more of them.
  9. Appreciate some pointers on keeping those Turbos alive & healthy. Got 2 that survived in my tank for 2 months while the other tank mates - common/tomato clowns, chromis, mushroom, feather dusters..hardy stuff - still OK. Is it called Turbo snail ? I am refering to those normally available at the LFS. What is the sientific name ? Thanks.
  10. Anyone still interested to purchase LR can head down to SL Balestier. Yesterday's evening saw 3 tubs still full with rocks n still at $8/kg. Don know the quality cos can't see clearly. Probably need to bring a touch-light
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