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Posts posted by Gouldian

  1. I think most LFS sells package products which are pricier than the actual lugol's solution. I know Kent Marine have it.

    I was hoping that maybe we could find some pharmacy in Singapore selling them cuz it would defintely be cheaper than LFS. :D

    What I know is that we only need to add 1 drop of lugol per 25gal which means a bottle of US$15 will last us much longer than a bottle of Kent. :blink:

    Maybe some reefers here can ask around for friends in the Pharmaceuticals industries for lobang. ;)

  2. Dear Reefers,

    I am a avid fan of Anthony Calfo and in his book he has recommended to use Lugol's Iodine instead of buying commercially prepared one.

    I have trying asking a few pharmacy to no avail thus I would like to know whether and reefers here know where we can get it.

    I have a friend who works in a clinic who can provide iodine tincture, I am wondering whether we could used that? He told me that it is 100% iodine without potassium. ;)

    All help appreciated........ :thanks:

  3. I am experiencing the same problem with silicate. Whenever I changed water, I will always have diatoms bloom, it will usually subside in about two week but unfortunately that is also the time I need to do water change again. :(

    I am contemplating using RO but feel that it is to ex for me. Any bro here can advise? :)


  4. No Bro, skunk clown is another fish.

    By the way, is the anemone still opening or it is shrunken and closed?

    If it is still open then the chances that it is doing fine is higher.

    Also, if you were to touch the anemone the flesh will be firm but will leave your hand with some sticky and slimy chemical. If you do not experience that, then the chances that it is not doing well in higher.

  5. hi yzf,

    Hard to identify the anemone just by discription. But please note that different fish will choose different host. Maroon & clark for example likes BTA. In fact BTA is readily accepted by most fish including pink anemone fish.

    However, I also know that rose anemone is not popular with maroons and perculars.

  6. Hi bwilly,

    I have confirmed with several books including Anthony Calfo's Book on Coral Propagation that all corals whether LPS or SPS or soft will feed. It is only a matter of whether it is Zooplankton or Phytoplankton. Most SPS will feed on phyto while most LPS will feed on Zoo.

    Actually come to think of it, if what you said was true, then all of us need not spend so much $$$$ on Phyto, Zoo, Golden Pearls, bioplankton, marineplankton, cyplopeeze, DT, chromaplex ............etc.

  7. Hi typrobin,

    Dunno leh, everytime when there is air trapped inside the pipping the pump will not work.

    Last time when I was using 2213 canister for my planted also same. At the end have to use eheim double tap to lock the water in the pipe while changing filter media.

    Now a days the newer canister models all have self priming function to force out the air in the pipes.

    Any bros here got any remedy? :(

  8. I understand we only drip the clear mix of kalkwasser, so as for the white residue, we pour it away? :huh:

    If I remembered correctly, the white particles are Calcium Chloride and if you add them directly into your tank, it will drastically alter your PH. I think I read it in Anthony Calfo's book.

    Any brother care to comment? ;)

  9. Looks like your african clown knows better then you :P .

    Just joking, hope you dun mind. Anyway, anemone will eat scraps of shrimp or mysis. You can feed the anemone twice a week if they are not hosting a clown or you can leave it to the clown to do the feeding - but I usually will do some direct feeding even if I know the clown is doing it job. Kiasu mah :D .

    Hope that helps....

  10. Hi Gurus,

    I have bought a 2 ft tank with sump and have improvise my own return by using 1 x eheim 1048. Although the flowrate matches, I notice whenever, I switches off the pump the water from the pipping will flow back to my sump and thus air pockets are created. I have no choice but to suck out the air pockets in order to have the pump running again.

    Can anyone here advise me how can I rectify this? I am totally not technically incline, in fact I consider fixing the green plastic pipping to the pump an engineering feat! :rolleyes:


  11. Hi reefers,

    I am not sure whether you guys have been to Watercircle recently but, from what I know they are no longer doing retail.

    I used to go there quite often cuz they have quite a good collection of Seahorses (Reidi especially).

    But I have been passing by quite a couple of times and notice that they are always closed. Upon checking with a friend who knows the owner quite well, was told that they have stop doing retail. :nc:

    No sure whether I will missed them cuz, some people have commented on their customer service. But I myself have not had any problems. :nc:

    But feel like posting in case there is reefers here who enjoy going there.

  12. Yes, I agree, Silicate is a contributing factor. In fact, most of us use tap water and none of us really do testing on our tap water, we sort of think that water fit for human consumption is fit for our babies - this is very wrong.

    I myself experience nuisance algae bloom whenever I change water but no choice lah better than don't change unless I got enough money to get RO water. ;) But I feel that since we can't control the silicate level (unless we use RO) we just have to ensure that we don't contribute to it but overfeeding. :D

  13. For me I do the following in order to keep the hair algae :angry: in check.

    1)300g of Biophos II from PR for my 33gal tank

    2)Use only 1 x 150W 14K MH

    3)Water change 10% weekly

    4)Feed once every once a day with minimal leftovers

    5)Incraese water flow

    6)Get a algae blenny (they are "power")

  14. I have a couple of ceriths that will attached itself to the byssal of the clams, I will usually give them a one way ticket to the loo. ;)

    Anyway, I have read somewhere that snails, worms and crab are some critters that may attack and kill clams.

    I believe one of my crocea went this way. :cry:

  15. Nice to know another bro happy with Seaclone.

    When I first bought it, a lot of ppl laugh at me saying that it is not good and that it is too ex. But I still buy it cuz I like the design. ;)

    Anyway, for other bro considering Seaclone, please buy the one with the green box and not the one with the yellow box. The green one is the newer upgraded version. ;)

  16. does anyone knows the maxijet powerheads come with the venturi (refer to attached pic ) ? If no, is it possible to get one that fits nicely to the maxijet powerhead ? :thanks:

    If I am not wrong in Singapore Maxijet with Venturi only comes packaged in Seaclone Skimmer - I have one at home with my Seaclone ;) . I have look for them quite some time back but have given up.

    But I have check with most LFS they claim that Maxijet itself does not comes with venturi

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