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Posts posted by evanscence

  1. The reason that I feel is simple. They got too much light all of a sudden. In the wild, corallimorphs are found at quite a depth down. I have diver friends who said they have never seen a single corallimorph while diving. So you can imagine the depth in which they occur, which might explain the pricing. Or maybe they come from turbid waters unsuitable for diving, which means the light penetration is very weak. Unless the yuma has been propagated in captivity and is accustomed to bright lights, you should always work very carefully with wild collected specimens since they already have been severely stressed by shipping. I find that newly arrived specimens should be put under cloth filtered lights rather than intense MH. And also decrease the lighting period. The photoperiod in the sea is much different compared to captivity. 8-12 hrs of MH lighting in my opinion is already an overkill. Wild specimens don't get such long periods of intense light from the sun, and not to forget the occassional cloud cover. The kelvin temperature also plays a role, if a corallimorph was accustomed to 20,000K lighting in the wild, a sudden change to 6500K lights for example for the same photoperiod would most certainly kill it. The important thing is to give it the minimum lighting conditions needed for it to survive and to slowly increase it from there. Remember corallimorphs are not SPS.

    bro fuel, a very detail assessment indeed...ok will keep this in mind if i get another pink yuma.... :thanks:

  2. hi, i kept a pink yuma for abt 1 mth b4 it slowly melt away. It was doing fine when i put it directly under mh lights on the midsection of a 2 ft high tank until i start to move it around and it became stress. Understand from a few reefers here that their yumas also did not do well....Can any yumas guru advise on the difficulty involved in keeping pink yumas..it like and dislike.... :thanks:

  3. well the season has not ended yet....remember, MU was trailing once during the championship race and eric cantona return spur them to do the impossible....i can sense o''shea emergance as a attacking midfielder as the catayst for De Javu again....

    glory glory Man united..... :evil:

  4. the boxer is quite small...actually it those purple head boxer....i have read the thread regarding compatiability with shrimps and seen like it negative...just like to check whether anyone one has defy the odds...hopefully with a small juvenile longnose hawk...can condition it not to eat shrimps..

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