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Saeight Abdul Rahman

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Posts posted by Saeight Abdul Rahman

  1. im not using red sea specifically but im using the red sea coral pro salt. i never encountered this type of problem before. usually my water will clear up within an hour. maybe u got the contaminated batch of salt.

  2. It's okay I just spent 3 hours removing the rocks catching the fish and place them in a hospital tank. Now just done rearranging the rocks and corals. So bloody tiring

    hahaha! same here. decided to have a hospital tank and do some copper treatment. polylab too expensive. hope it will work!

  3. Hi bro. im sure there are a few fishes that feeds on clam. but if u go for a reef safe fishes, im pretty sure its gonna be fine. the only thing u have to worry are those pyramid snails that hitch hike together with the clam. they gonna eat ur clam up!

  4. Hi guys. Was just wondering. Lets say i already have an existing tank, and decided that i would like to add a few more BRAND NEW sands, can i mix them in together in the DT? taking into consideration that the new sands are not cycled yet. Will it affect the water parameters? Or it cannot be done at all? Cheers!

  5. Giving away approx 1.5" maroon clownfish. Bought from CF earlier today but fought with my existing true perc upon introduction. Collection at Bukit Batok. Fish already in trap box. ready for collection.

  6. I have not tried polylab medic personally. But Henry recommended that when i was having trouble with ich. He guaranteed me it will work 100% but i didnt buy it in the end cause it do cost a bomb. so personally, i have not tried it but Henry swears by it. Maybe other reefers here who have tried it before can recommend.

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