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Posts posted by lee

  1. Keep some tang, and they will clean up all the algae for you. Mine is the same as you, so I keep 2 tang hoping it to clear my algae, but they seem to like prepare food than algae on the liverock, however i like tangs very much, so i introduce slower one by one and now total of 6 tangs in my tank. This is what it happen, all six tang compete for food and they clear all algae on the LR

    The only setback is your bi-load will increase and you need to have a good skimmer.

    Can you recommend a good algae eating , small and not so ex Tang ?

    What about the Yellow or Blue Tang

  2. Got this problem for a long time already. Probably because of my tank

    not so good parameter; .ie. NO3>40, PO>0.03, etc and poor skimming.

    My weekly maintenance is using a toothbrush to brush those ever growing

    hair algae ?? but it will grow back as quickly. On sandbed red brown slimy cyno I guessed always creep up the next day after I cleared them. One thing to note is that 90% of what I cleared off go back to the tank, i.e seldom phyiscally remove from the tank.

    To reduce these problem I intend to :-

    - change to a better skimmer

    - introduce Reefsafe Fish & Invert to eat the algae

    Any good workable suggestion for Reefsafe Fish or Invert ?

    I have only 4 small fishes & LPS in my current 2.5' tank.

    Will not be using any RI/RO or any PO reducing equipment .. too ex.


    Wee Kiong


  3. Thanks for all the input.

    The smallest Macro AS100P might still be too big for the space I had.

    With an extra Sicce pump it will burst my budget.

    Will be taking a look at Melyvn Prism together with Eric little mod and it

    might just work.

    Actually with a good working Skimmer what immediate improvement can I expect in my tank. Think my current Piccolo skimmer had not been working well or not working at all these while.

  4. Wow the skimmate looks like...fresh lemonade....a bit thirsty...anyway i am selling my red sea prizm skimmer used for 4 months (now not using) due to new upgraded skimmer. The skimmate produced is dark and certainly not lemonade and best thing is...its cheap at S$110 if no one taking it, i will keep it for myself liao.

    Did consider Prism before but my tank back to wall is only about 3" and all my LR were already leaned against the back. My tank top is blocked by my lighting hence the space constraint. Also heard the Prism might need regular tuning which I try not to. Maybe weekly tuning and min 3 days skimmage cup clearing is the limit.

  5. I have been using the smallest of the Sander Piccolo ( Skimmer Piccolo Sander -using air difusser via a 5w air pump) air difusser type skimmer for my current 2.5 ft tank. Had lots of problem such as :-

    - difficult to maintain correct air flow

    - low skimmage

    - high replacement for air difusser

    I want to change to a better one; i.e not using air difusser or air pump. See attached my current Sander skimmer. Anyone can recommend :-

    - non air difusser or air pump driven type

    - internal only (to attach to my tank left back corner with a max dimension of

    around 3.5"x3.5"x8" (lxbxh)

    - not more than S$ 150

    - low maintenance


    Wee Kiong


  6. I have been using those kitchen sponge (those S$1 per pack for 6, top smooth layer and bottom rough) to clean my tank glass for all these while. Recently got those blade-type to remove those stubborn algae growth. Tried those magnetic cleaner for a while but give up because it is difficult to reach certain areas and not hard enough to remove some algae growth.

    Don't know if the kitchen sponge is really safe for long term use.

    Any better low cost suggestion.

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