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Posts posted by Weapon_Master

  1. Bubble_gum

    I personally dont think that Tangs are good for beginners. I have read that Tangs need tanks that are mature, preferably more than 6 months old.

    They are also not as hardy as compare to many other fishes.

    I personally liked Tangs as well but like you, I am just a beginner so I am resisting temptation to keep them for a start.

    A suggestion will be to try out more hardy fishes and when you get a good grip of them and they are surviving well, probably thats time to look into a Tang.

    Experienced reefers please correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. I am still very new to the hobby. One of the things that a newbie is most afraid of is kanna con.

    It will be good to make any sale price public. Should there be any comments on pricing, it should be personal comments.

    There might be some bad boys out to make some bucks but that is unavoidable and happens in life.

    Ultimately the purchase should be only between the buyer and seller. Therefore be wise and ask if in doubt.

    Again this is my personal opinion.

  3. Woh 116 Sqm. Mine only 110 as well in Buangkok. Payed approx 20K more as compared to the ones in Seng Kang.

    Didnt have many choices left in Seng Kang when it was my turn to choose so I opted elsewhere which is nearer to CTE.

    For me it is important to find place where you will be able to get daily neccesity easily. Otherwise it will be a chore even if you have your personal transportation.

    For me, shop and save and some other shops and coffee shop is within 2mins walk.

    Cleaning of the house might be another concern if you dont have a maid. My wife prefers more privacy so we dont have one and end up having to do everything ourselves during the weekend.

  4. I think I agree with all your advice. I am a newbie here and I want to say that this site helped me alot to get started.

    My tank is just 10days old and without this forum I probably wouldnt know all the things I need to do and monitor. I will heed all the advice I can get so as not to invest needless $$$.

    For at least the first 12 months, my tank will be coral free.

    So dont be dishearten everyone! There are still alot of ppl out there who listens!

    The bottom line is being responsible reefer. My quote is "why try anything if you know you dont stand a chance of winning".

    Still hope that James will be convinced and turn back before making any silly mistakes

  5. Bro,

    By lecher I dont actually mean anything. I believe most if not all man are lechers. It is just how to what level.

    I was a lecher as well before I got married, After I got married I simply admire and keep my hands and mouth off. Gone are the hunting days. Lost my antena now so no radar signal.

    Apologies of my wording. I am here to make friends and dont want any enemies. :(:(

    Just a joke and hope that all will take it in good stride.

  6. Hi all,

    I move into a 5 room HDB Buangkok Crescent 6 months ago which is relatively near to Seng Kang, Punggol and Hougang.

    The reason why I chose here over SengKang and Punggol is that it is near to AMK and CTE as compared to Punggol or SengKang.

    Floor area is almost the same now and you will pay much more for a 5room and executive. If you calculate the price based on per sq metre, 4 room will look much more attractive.

    I kind of regret going for 5rm given that the flat is only occupied by me and my wife.

    Cost of flat in Seng Kang and Punggol is about the same but you have to pay a 10% premium if you live in Buangok Crescent.

    SengKang looks to be the most convenient in terms of public transport and makan places as compared to Punggol or Buangkok.

    Flat options however is very limited now in SengKang and possibly Buangkok. So if you are particular about unit and where it face etc, Punggol might be the only option left.

    It is a big investment so think wiseful before you commit.

    Hope this helps. :)

  7. Thanks. Thats very kind of you.

    ShangriLa Hotel has quite a nice atmosphere for buffet dinner (by the poolside). Got quite a bit of variety of dishes. The only thing is that it is almost twice as X during Val.

  8. You dont have to do anything if you are married like me. :o

    Just kidding. Going on a cruise will be nice but maybe too expensive for some. I will be bringing my wife for a cruise and :whistle there.

    Best wishes to everyone. :blink::angel::evil:

  9. I have added in the proteim skimmer successfully. Waiting for any kopi o to emerge.

    Water is now clear with no foul smell. Water movement in the tank is good with both Eheim Pro II cannister and Weipro 2013 running.

    Ammonia is still on dangerous level at blue colour indicated on the Sechem Ammonia Alert. Understand that this would take several days to subside?

    Noticed this morning that some parts of my LR are turning grey. Is this normal during cycling? They we very pretty when I bought them. Now its left with an ugly sight. Will they recover?

    Can anyone advice. Thanks.

  10. Benz,

    Really appreciate your advise here. I finally manage to connect up the Eheim pump to the Weipro skimmer. I remove one connection point and did the trick. Stupid me. :paiseh:

    Tried powering up my Eheim 1260 pump and it didnt manage to suck the water out from the tank into the proteim skimmer.

    I am coonecting the bigger hose for water suction and the smaller return hose to the protein skimmer.

    I did notice a suction power when I tried feeling it with my hand but it is just not getting the water out from the tank. Therefore no water is going in to the protein skimmer.

    What could be wrong here? My Eheim pump sits in the cabinet right below my tank.

    Thanks again.

  11. Thanx all. I made some changes last night to the filter outlet to create more water movement.

    This morning the milky water has almost cleared but ammonia still at dangerous level.

    I simply put 1 dead prawn that I brought from the supermarket.

    As for the protein skimmer, I am using Weipro 2013 with Eheim 1260 pump. I am having some problems connecting them up. I didnt want my pump to be in the water so I am using another pipe to suck the water.

    However the return pipe to the Weipro protein skimmer did fit. Do I have to use the Silicone (bought from LFS) to glue them together? The pipe is of bigger size then the connection on the skimmer. Can anyone advise?

    Appreciate all the advice that everyone has given! :)

    Otherwise I would be so lost :cry2:

  12. Thanx Benz for the advice. I will add in the protein skimmer.

    The life rock is cured type with no foul smell. Quite expensive kind at $18 per kg. Has nice red colour and life form on it.

    Would living the LR out to dry affect the colour of the LR?

    Saw somewhere in the forum that it is ok to just use LR for cycling and some prefered to use dead prawn. Wanted to speed up the process and threw in a live prawn. The end result in my tank was a cloudy tank with a foul smell.

    Would some water change be advisible here?

    I am using SEACHEM Ammonia alert and it is showing green colour. Yellow colour indicate safe.

    I have Nitrite and Nitrate test kit as well but I thought it should only be used when ammonia level drops back to normal safe zone?

    Unfortunately I just started this hobby and have not prepared any pic to show. Nothing camparable to the Shifu AT's tank.

    Was very impressed when I saw their tank set up and the $$$ invested.

    I am surpressing myself that for the first 6months, my tank will be a fish only tank with some shrimps.

  13. Hi all,

    I am rather new to SRC. Saw alot of exciting stuff going on here and started investing in this hobby about 1 week ago.

    Read up abit before starting this investment. However reading a pratical sometimes differ a little. Got alot to pick up.

    I have a 30" by 15" by 18" tank and using Eheim Pro II filter. Started to cycle my water 6 days ago with 12KG of cured live rocks.

    Waited for 3 days and still did not see any ammonia spike. Added in a dead prawn on the 3rd day hoping to speed up the cycling process.

    On day 5, noted a stench and all the worms and small crabs hiding in the LR were dead due to the ammonia spike. Would this kill all the living creatures? Is this normal? I am also worried for Mantis Shrimp presence cause I heard that they are deadly. So if they will be dead during cycling, it will be perfect.

    Cleared most of the dead creatures due to the smell but there were still small carcass left behind in the tank.

    Do I need to clear all the corpse in the tank? How long is the stench expected to stay before going away?

    I was advised to add in the protein skimmer only after cycling. Is this correct?

    Am I doing anything wrong here? Need all the advise I can get.

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