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Posts posted by limbssg

  1. the rocks were used in a FOWLR tank, many pieces are abt 30cm long

    the larger pieces are not obvious in the pict as it's placed behind as the main structure

    water was just removed yesterday.

    prefers to sell everything in one shot, quote me a price for a fast deal

    collect in Hougang



  2. nowadays airport security are more stringent, they seems to be scanning every passengers....

    Personally, Chameleons and small snakes are better pets as they're tame.

    not too long ago at JKT, a Slow Loris was selling at SGD40, very cute with their white/brownish fur.


  3. :pinch::pinch:

    I think next time she better wear a full face helmet so the wind can't mess up her fake eyelash and makeup...

    Ceiling fans better than wall-mounted ones in hawker centres

    Feb 20, 2006

    I HAVE been to a few newly upgraded popular hawker centres like the Chomp-Chomp and Golden Shoe and note that the wall-mounted fans give users undue stress.

    While they provide good ventilation, the fans also cause problems.

    First, the strong wind coming from all directions blows at our hair and messes it. Some loose hair and dust may land in the food and pose hygiene problems.

    Second, the strong wind cools the food quicker then desired.

    Third, it blows used plates and utensils all over the place, messing tables and seats and the surrounding area. If we are unlucky, it may soil our clothes as well.

    Please can we have the good old ceiling fans back?

    Jess Ng Muay Hoon (Ms)


  4. Feb 14, 2006

    Exit permit rule to apply from age 13 under new Bill

    $2,000 fine proposed if boys go abroad for more than three months without permit

    By Ken Kwek

    SINGAPOREAN boys and permanent residents aged 13 and older will need an exit permit if they travel abroad for more than three months.

    This lowering of the age limit for the permit was proposed in Parliament yesterday.

    Currently, only those who are older than 16 1/2 need to get the exit permit from the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) when they want to go abroad beyond three months.

    This change is one of two key changes in the Enlistment Act put before Parliament. The other is to double the maximum fine to $10,000 for those who dodge the draft, an increase prompted by the Melvyn Tan episode.

    Dr Teo Ho Pin, a member of the Government Parliamentary Committee (GPC) for Defence and Foreign Affairs, sees the exit permit change mainly as a reminder to those going for overseas study.

    'It's to remind them that they have a duty to return to do national service,' Dr Teo, who is an MP for Holland-Bukit Panjang GRC, said last night.

    So, families with young sons going on holidays abroad during a long weekend or the school holidays are not going to be affected by the change.

    But those going abroad, say, on a student exchange programme that extends beyond three months or to study at a foreign institution will need to apply for an exit permit.

    It can be done in person at Mindef's Central Manpower Base or on the Internet.

    Those who fail to do so face a fine of up to $2,000. The same maximum fine will be imposed when the child remains outside Singapore for a period longer than that stated on the exit permit.

    Each of the child's parents or legal guardians could also be fined up to $2,000.

    Mr Sin Boon Ann, also a member of the GPC for Defence and Foreign Affairs, said the changes are 'timely and necessary'.

    Said Mr Sin, an MP for Tampines GRC, last night: 'The Melvyn Tan episode highlighted the need to reinforce how seriously we regard national service.'

    The Singapore-born pianist, now 49 and a British citizen, sparked a public outcry when he got a $3,000 fine last year for skipping national service.

    He left Singapore to study music in Britain and did not return home for national service in 1977.

    Last month, Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean told Parliament that stiffer punishments would be proposed against draft dodgers, including pressing for a jail term that is provided for under current legislation.

    In explaining the new position, Mr Teo said the increased penalties are to send a strong signal that national service is critical to Singapore's survival.

    About 700,000 Singapore men had served or are serving national service.

    One of them is writer Ng Yi-Sheng, 25. He feels the changes are an overreaction.

    'Increasing the punishment for draft-dodgers would make NS seem even more of a forced obligation,' he said.

    However, Mr Kevin Loh, 29, who owns a cleaning company, disagrees. He favours the changes.

    'National service is a key institution, and while those who are willing to serve have nothing to fear, it will be good to have a stronger deterrent for those who might want to escape their duty,' he said.


  5. :lol::lol:

    Politics in Mono.....

    Very long ago something like 30+ years ago, my father bought me a radio. The radio only had one speaker which is called mono, stereo wasn't so common in those days of the AM radio. I loved that radio, it was something from nothing. But then came stereo, I still kept that radio....even as the world move to surround sound - 5.1 speaker system, my good old radio is good enough for me. Listening to sound from 5 speakers is just too much for me.

    My love for my old radio mirrors my love for the Singapore political system. Even as many countries go beyond Democracy to give its people full transparency in the form of Freedom of Information, I'm glad our politics stayed in "mono". There is only one speaker - the PAP, no stereo or 5.1 surround sound to burden us with diversity of views. Singaporeans for the past 40 years have listened to this mono radio. Why burden yourself with so much information - one source is good enough.

    This past weeks the mono radio has been broadcasting nothing but GOOD NEWS..... the endless flow of GOOD NEWS has made all of us so happy. Singaporeans are so lucky to be listening to all this good news. ....

  6. it is not necessarily what it seems like, there are some hidden meanings on that website... :fear::angel:

    Unlike the elderly of other countries who waste away their time looking after their grandchildren, strolling in the park or playing a game of chess at the community club...the old in Singapore have far more important things to do like go to work. Yes, the PAP govt ensures that Singaporeans are motivated to work until a ripe old age because there is insufficient subsidy for their medical care and essentials. Also, when they were at their prime, they couldn't have saved much for their old age because they have to spend the bulk of the income to service the HDB loans for their subsidised housing.

    The Worker's Party tried recently to poison Singaporean's mind by suggesting that the elderly be given sufficient subsidy. How dare they damage the work ethnics of a 64 year old?!

    Elderly Singaporeans are so lucky they have to stay productive and work for a living. They are lucky the govt gives little aid and sells public housing at a price that takes more than 20 years of monthly instalments to pay up.

  7. Higher wages seen for Singapore workers as job market tightens

    By Wong Choon Mei, Channel NewsAsia

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 01 February 2006 2037 hrs

    Singapore businesses optimistic in first half of 2006

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 01 February 2006 1554 hrs

    Singapore's employment in 2005 at all-time high of 2.3 million

    By Hwee Goh, Channel NewsAsia,

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 01 February 2006 1104 hrs

    Singapore's economy expected to continue prospering: PM Lee

    By Wong Siew Ying, Channel NewsAsia

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 28 January 2006 0721 hrs

    NTUC aim: Make 10,000 jobs pay more this year

    Straits Times Jan 14, 2006

    RECORD panel recommends financial incentives for NSmen

    By Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia,

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 19 January 2006 1702 hrs

    Panel recommends incentive package for companies to hire older workers

    More workers expected to find jobs in 2006: NTUC Chief

    NTUC to set up $50m fund to help low-wage workers upgrade their skills

    By May Wong, Channel NewsAsia

    Medisave withdrawal limit to be raised from $300 to $400 from April

    Singapore expects strong manufacturing investments in 2006

    Strong jobs gains show Singapore employers hiring for growth: analysts

    Jalan Besar Town Council unveils $517m estate upgrading plan

    By Yvonne Cheong, Channel NewsAsia

    S&C and rental rebates for 700,000 households

    By Sharon Tong, Channel NewsAsia

    Sembawang Town Council to spend $570m on renewal plan

    Singapore created 28,500 jobs in Q3

    ComCare Fund disburses $8.7m to help low income households

    By Wong Siew Ying, Channel NewsAsia

    East Coast Town to undergo S$500m renewal programme

    By Julia Ng, Channel NewsAsia

    HDB upgrading programme speeds up with 64 precincts chosen for 2006

    By Farah Abdul Rahim, Channel NewsAsia

    Aljunied Town Council announced a S$160 million town renewal masterplan

    Jobless rate down to 2.5%Lowest in 4 years!

    Straits Times 1 Feb 2006

    Singapore retailers say festive season sales the best since 2003

    By Anjana Menon, Channel NewsAsia

    Manufacturing, service sectors optimistic about business conditions,

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 01 February 2006 2016 hrs

    Singapore's PMI expands for 9th straight month in January

    By Loh Kim Chin, Channel NewsAsia

    Singapore's STI ends at six-year high for second day running

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 02 February 2006 1818 hrs

    Singaporeans less worried about economy, job security: survey

    By May Wong, Channel NewsAsia

    Time is GMT + 8 hoursPosted: 03 February 2006 1851 hrs





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