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Everything posted by macmania

  1. Let me know if you have one for sale thanks. Whatsapp 9108 eight 158
  2. very nice tank! can you post a picture of inside the cabinet showing the sump and equipment?
  3. I thought it is always good to buy the biggest tank you can afford... 2ft seems like too small to me. Correct me if I am wrong bros...
  4. Hi Jay, Do you have the shop name? Can PM me the price and size? Thanks.
  5. Hi JoeyBabooey, Any cheap and good tank maker vendors to recommend?
  6. Thanks for reply fellow reefers. Trying to digest everything here, more qns: 7) If I go sump can I still stick to the tank in qn1 and use a overflow box? http://freshnmarine.com.sg/estore/product_info.php?products_id=803 I am not keen on custom-made bcos of the higher prices. 8) where to get cheap and QUALITY cured live rocks? Thanks...
  7. Hi All, I'm a newbie with a tank of ranchus and recently been lured by the salty side of reef tanks... Intend to shift my ranchus to the bottom tier and use the top tier of my 2-tier 3ft rack to setup a 3ft reef tank. Intention: - some corals/fishes for beginner, Some limitations: 1) sumpless 2) max 3ft (L) x 1.5ft ( x 1.5ft or more (H) 3) no chiller Qns: 1) getting a 10mm glass tank as my current tank is only 6mm. Is this a good buy? http://freshnmarine.com.sg/estore/product_info.php?products_id=803 2) which HOB skimmer would you recommend? 3) for 3ft tank which lights (LED/T5) would you recommend? 4) Is Vortech Mp10 good for 3ft tank? 5) Eventually I will love to have a Achilles Tang. Is there some pre-requites for the setting up of the tank? 6) What other equipment do i need? Aiming to keep it under $1.5K. Is it realistic? Thanks in advance ....
  8. Hi all, is the Atlantic glass industry situated at the same stretch as the Golden octopus? any guides on the tank pricing? I am looking at 4ft cabinet with sump... Thanks.
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