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Everything posted by Shamsul

  1. You cannot do hypo with Coral & Inverts, need to move them to a temporary tank and can do hypo in the display tank, also run the temporary tank with just your coral and some inverts don't add any new LS until you complete the hypo. Once hypo is completed move the corals & inverts back and use the temp tank as Q-Tank.
  2. What is your setup? Is it FOWLR? Bro, Its better to do Hypo treatment for now and later setup a QT for the LS that you are going to buy hereafter. Do a Search in Google bro, you will get many posts about itch, but some uses these medics and some say itch is cured some says it comes back after some time... Currently i am also fighting itch, I am doing Hypo and now cant see any visible itch or flashing fishes, planned for 8 weeks and already 4 weeks gone, still 4 weeks to go. Just my 0.0002 cents.
  3. Bro Ashwin, i am also looking for it... please also PM me. Thanks.
  4. Bro, better you can post your Nitrate, Nitrite & Ammonia readings.
  5. Wanted to trade Harlequin shrimp for Skunk Cleaner Shrimp/Fire Shrimp of any size. Need to bring your Shrimp to Flora Road for the Trade. SMS/Whatsapp 92 47 98 25
  6. Thanks for the write up, following it now in my DT (FOWLR)
  7. I think the root cause for this problem is my green grape algae in the refugium, i didnt notice that it was dead due to the spoilt PAR32, that might have exported lot of nutrients to the tank... Now Added a new PAR32 (12x3w. 2 blue 455nm. 5 red 660nm. 5 red 630nm) to my refugium and added chaeto, After taking few other steps to reduce Po4, now i can see it coming down.
  8. Oh, thanks for the info bro, searched in google and confirmed its diatom... will measure my PO4 tonight and update, since i am doing Hypo i dont want to add any new fishes now. Will try out the green filter today...... Is there any medicine to control/remove it, is it safe to use it during Hypo.
  9. Hi Brothers, Recently this algae is growing up very fast in my tank, is this Cyano Algae? I read that cyano algae will grow where the flow is not enough, but in my tank these are grown just in front of my Wave Maker (WP25 running in Else Mode) While i setup my tank, i added live rock from my previous setup and some dead rocks got from another reefer, now this algae is growing up in all the dead rocks which i added. This started growing only after i added "Purple Up". My Tank is 4x2x2 FOWLR with Bare Bottom, Skimmer is BM C7, currently i am on a Hypo to cure ich and since the salinity is very low skimmer is not doing well. This tank is 2 months old. I dont have a quarantine tank so performing Hypo in my DT, No Corals or Inverts in my DT. I also have Chaeto (2-3 hand full) in my sump. Feeding once per day. No Causalities for more than a month. Live Stock: 1. Flame Angel 2. Fox Face 3. Hippo Tang (3 inch) 4. Yellow Tang( 3 inch) 5. Clown - 2 (3 Inch) 6. Fire Fish 7. Chromis 8. Cleaner Wrasse 9. Yellow Wrasse Please advise me.
  10. Fish collected, thanks. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  11. Haven't ate any of my fishes, but I can see other fishes are stressed due to the introduction of this big fella, so giving away. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  12. Not sure Bro, whatsapp me, I can send you another photo Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  13. Wanted to give wrasse FOC, collect at Flora Road, interested sms me at 9247 9825 Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
  14. Agree, i also use it 8 hours per day. I believe it also heats up your water a bit.
  15. Thanks, got already.
  16. Hi Bros, Want to trade EHEIM Ecco 300 Canister Filter with all Piping and Media, its very new just bought it in December 2013, Warranty is still available for a long period....... i can also pass you the receipt. The following is my canister model. http://www.fishponds.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=396 Looking for a Suitable Skimmer for my new 4x2x2 Tank. I need to use this in my Sump. Thanks. Reason for trading: Yesterday my 3x1.5x1.5 tank cracked at the back and water all over, moved the live rocks and fishes to buckets and some tubs. Luckily last week i ordered a new tank from TankMaker, pls don't ask the price as it created a Tsunami in my wallet, my new tank will arrive on 16/Jan... so need this skimmer for my new tank. Thanks.
  17. Hi Bro's, Looking for a 3 Feet Cabinet Tank with Sump Tank, better if its sold as a set with equipment. Prefer 3x2x2. SMS me @ 92479825 with Price, Age and other details.
  18. I tried many methods like fan, freezing water bottles everynight and using it as topup water.... Yes it keeps the temperature down.. but its really a lot of work to do... But when i planned to go on a vacation for 3 to 4 days.... these DIY was not a good option to rely on, Finally ended up with a chiller.... Happy fishes...Peace of Mind during Vacation. + Added a D-Link wireless webcam to watch my tank from any where... Left a spare house key in office, ,so if i find anything wrong in my tank, will ask my friends to go to my home and do remote fixing...
  19. $50++ - If i dont go to any LFS or if i am busy with my work. $100++ - If visit any LFS or if got less work in office (which makes me to watch the classifieds.... Itchy hands)
  20. Hi Bro's, Would like to trade my 82 Cm Pink Submersible LED Light for 3 Feet Blue LED Light. Bought it for $90 on 18/Nov/2013 with 1 Year warranty, Now left with warranty remaining for 10 Months. SMS/Whatsapp @ 92479825 Thanks.
  21. Hi anybody letting for Fire Shrimp or Peppermint Shrimp do let me know. Contact me at 9247 9825. Thanks.
  22. Hi Bro, Yes agree... but not able to find it.. Traded with a BM QQ Hang On Skimmer for now... Still eyeing on Classifieds section for the Tunze 9004.
  23. Thanks SRC, Got what i was looking for. Thread Closed.
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