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Posts posted by dreamscape

  1. There is no easy way to completely remove bubble algae. Mine has been around for awhile. U just have to keep removing it by hand and during water change and hope it will go away. Emerald crab will eat these algae. U can get some to help with the removal. However the crab will most likely burst the bubble and release the spore before eating. Hence the bubble algae will continue to reappear.

  2. It is possible to keep seahorse on enriched brine shrimp. Just need to make sure there is a constant supply. I have this pair of Reidi since jun last year. Both have grown and still doing well. Chiller is a must and have a big enough tank to house a pair or two.

  3. seahorses are indeed very adorable and will not swim away even when my hand is in the water. I can even feed them from my hand. Their diet is primarily enriched brine shrimp. I mean live brine shrimp enriched with selcon and phytofeast. I have a 2 feet tank setup for the brine shrimp

  4. The ideal temperature for keeping seahorse is 22 to 25 deg. This will however depend on species. Kuda can take higher temperature, probably up to 26 deg. Reidi will do better at 22 to 25 deg. The less common species will need even lower temperature. Reason for keeping the temperature at the ideal 22 - 25 deg is because seahorse is very prone to bacteria infection. Such bacteria proliferate faster at higher temperature which means seahorse kept at higher temperature will easily succumb to bacteria infection. I have 2 Reidi and 1 Kuda in my cube tank and I keep its temperate at 24 - 25 deg.

  5. Bro you have a thread with regards to this tank? Would like to read it up instead of asking u questions here. Thanks!

    Bro Damianiac, u r welcome to pm me whatever question u have. I did not start thread for my tank. Thks for yr suggestion , I will start one soon
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