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Posts posted by p.tm

  1. Nualgi works .. I guess so , never used anything else.. It was really frustrating when you have a tank full of yellow/brown slimy rocks !! Take a look at my tank .. Couple of months ago and present.
    nice tank xiggie, can you pm me the price for the nualgi treatment?
  2. I have a new tank and is currently battling dino. I remembered seeing a thread by one of the mod on dino eradication. I have little success after blackout of 1 week while weeding them out as much as possible and doing water changes thereafter. But eventually they came back again only to grow longer tails. Thanks for information above. I guess i have more options to try now.
    Me too, I've tried manual removals and blackouts but they seem to come right back.
  3. Hi guys, been a while since I've waged my war against dinos. And just when I thought I've gotten them under control through blackouts and h2o2 dosing, they came back overnight when I resumed my lighting. My corals all looked really bad and I was worried for my snails

    So yesterday I took several extreme measures to save my corals, made a bucket of fresh saltwater, took my 1ft spare tank out and moved all my corals over. Then I did a huge water change and siphoned out whatever I could. Removed my ats as well. I have no idea what caused the dinos now, but they are declining already. Resumed my normal lighting schedule and notice a slight growth. All parameters are normal and hopefully they'll be gone soon.

  4. Try to outsource the mower's job to the algae blenny. They are very hardworking chaps and don't ask for a high wage! :P

    Outsourced! Currently employing a starry blenny to mow my lawn haha. Really cute guy. He eats my hair algae with a vengeance.

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  5. Very true what Firestarter said ... Water change only fuel them .. Just need to wait them out and they will go away ... But I dose nualgi during that period..

    Hopefully they'll go away soon, I've stopped my water changes, just siphoning out whatever I can through a filter sock and pour the water back in. Did nualgi help?

  6. Different strains of dino have different ways of eradicating. The most common and easiest strain is the one that will be eradicated with raising pH level and magnesium.

    I once had a dino attack that no matter what I did, it came twice as hard. I eventually found out that the more water changes I made the more it was feeding on the new nutrients from the wc and thus helped to fuel it.

    So I stopped all wc and waited it out, and one day the dino went away as fast as it came.

    Just to ask, do you notice and increase growth after doing wc?

    Not really, I don't notice any bloom after doing my water changes. But I did read that trace nutrients in wc fueled dinos in other tanks. Mine took over the tank overnight when I forgot to turn off my lights. Could be due to excessive lighting

  7. You have to share your tank setup and live stocks first in order to determine the possible root cause.

    Pics will help. Both tank and sump



    Determining the root cause is one possible way to find a solution this issue, but here I'm asking if anyone has experience in dealing with dinos. Not specific to my case.

  8. I noticed a lack of information on dinoflagellates on this forum, and the little bit of information says increased pH and phosphate reduction would help but there isn't much explanation. I'm just wondering if locals here just do not encounter dinos or everyone knows exactly how to get rid of them. I've tried almost everything from blackouts to increased pH to algae scrubbers and even hydrogen peroxide but the dinos just come right back.

    I've currently battling dinos in my tank, if anyone had been successful in eradicating this pest, can you share your experiences here?

  9. Bro, what sort of algae problem were you facing? Hair algae? red slime? Or those algae that appears on the glass wall?

    For hair algae, i normally use algae blenny to do the lawn mower's job.

    For red slime, i get Ulteralife Red Slime Remover from Henry.

    For algae on glass wall...have to manually scrape :P or engage the services of turbo snails.

    Bro, I've gotten everything you listed there hahaha! I defeated the red slime with a 3 day blackout and lowering my po4. Now having a little bit of hair algae and some green spots on the glass (which i enjoy scraping off anyway). May engage more turbo snails for the hair algae on the rocks, but then again I don't know if my 2 snails are avoiding them because they're dinos...

  10. Hi bro, first of all, very nice tank you have there. Is the goodbye PO4 easy to use? Do you have to dose it everyday?

    Thanks bro! :D yes the goodbye PO4 is pretty easy to use, you can consult henry from marinelife on the dosage for your tank. He will recommend a 1ml dose everyday to maintain your po4 levels after you lowered it, but I notice I don't have to dose a lot nowadays and my po4's constant at 0-0.03ppm. You have find your own routine I guess. And it will make your tank cloudy for a while after dosing, if you have not enough flow the precipitate will settle on the live rocks and corals, so I'm not sure if it's okay for sps..


    yes. they will rust + they will block partial of your lights from going through. if you search for wire mesh tank cover. a lot of people in the states are using this clear mesh to make the tank cover. they even tested for the amount of light entering and this is better than egg crates and even glass cover. 

    Oh I see.. Sorry I didn't know that . It looked like any ordinary mesh cover from the picture and I was just wondering why you would want it shipped all the way from us.

  12. Wow...for a nano tank you have lots of stuffs going on - chiller, sump and all. Seems like a lot of work to me. Guess it is needed as you are keeping SPS corals, said to be more demanding than LPS.


    Read your earlier post on attempting a tear-drop clam. I havent had much success with clams, they always wither off after a while, even when i feed them with plankton and stuffs. I'm not sure if it is due to the temperature, but then again, my LPS are blooming.


    Continue using your PO4 recommended by Henry. He's a helpful chap and i love talking to him to get some tips. The other product that i use is Reef Biofuel by Brightwell, which helps to further reduce phosphate and nitrate.


    Try to keep your pH to above 8 as this will help in corals and fish species. I top up my tank daily with Alkali water with pH10, to ensure that my tank pH is kept consistently between 8-8.5. Reasons of lowering pH is due to overfeeding, wastes etc.


    Like you, i have my own trials and errors, and usually the error results from overseas trips. Lots of $$$ goes into this hobby but the feeling of success is priceless. You can read about my tank journey here...

    Yeah.. I agree! I had a lot of algae problems in the past, and those stuff are an accumulation of the methods I've tried to battle these algae. Quite a bit of a mess but back then I was really looking to get rid of algae long term, hence the sump/ats etc.

    And yes again I agree! Henry is a very nice guy. He was very helpful and patient every time I went over. I'll consider the reef biofuel but for now I'll like to see how well the ats works. :)

    My tank'a pH is kept constant at 8.2. I think it's due to the ats too actually(there's an air pump attached to it) and I manually dose a kH supplement and it's kept around 9-11dKh.

    Thanks for sharing bro! I've been reading your thread since I've started this tank btw haha! It is a great inspiration for me. Now that I've gone and tried it for myself, I understand how difficult it is to maintain a nano tank. Lots of money spent but well worth it. Cheers :)

  13. You know there's this small metal ball cage people use to put veggie/hay to feed rabbits guinea pigs etc? I think that one can use to feed your fish also haha if they have plastic ones. May be more aesthetically pleasing. Great idea btw!

  14. Why do u want to raise your ph? Is it very low now? Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate need to be baked in order to raise your ph. If never bake, it will increase your KH only and has little ph lowering effect.

    I read a few sources that stated that raising pH may help inhibit dinoflagellates. My kh is kept constant at 9-10dkh. Thanks for the advice

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