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Everything posted by mohamed

  1. Itu semua petanda beb........ Kalau lu tak boleh set-up, kasi gua pun ok jugak Semua yg lain dah tak bernyawa lagi ke apa. Senyap sepi tanpa berita....... Sedih bila mengenangkan nasib Malay Reefers. Agaknya banyak dah nak give-up ke?
  2. Hi Bro, Its not "ikat". It should be "ikan" If you want to use "ikat", you should put it in this sentance'," Saya suka ikat saya punya buah "
  3. Tks, Bro. Does anyone knows where to get Famowood high gloss epoxy or envirotex?
  4. I think you should temp off the tunze otherwise the cucumber might get ground by its impeller.
  5. Hi bros, Looking for the above. If you have and keen to sell, pls pm. Tks.... Cheers...............
  6. No prob. Bro. Yg lain kalau tahu mana nak dapat tu benda starboard atau epoxy ke resin ke, boleh kasi tahu, ok. Kacang-kacang ada kemut sikit dgn infolah. Semua mata duit punya.............
  7. Kedai banyak kedai geng. Kedai mama, kedai kopi atau kedai ikan?
  8. Terima kasih denagn penjelasan anda yang cukup detailed itu. Soalannya, sekarang mana hang nak dapat epoxy tu?
  9. Biasalah geng. Kalau dah minority apa nak buat? Tapi mesti nak satu hati, barulah sepadu. Tapi walau bagaimanapun, majulah sukan untuk negara.............
  10. Bro, lu pegi kat Reef Central buat search on faux sandbed. Gua sua tak dapat locate dia punya link. Apa nak buat beb, kita punya dunia dikelilingi dengan kacang. Nak kena accomodate takde ketinggalan. Tapi kita jangan jadi macam kacang sudahlah. Gua tahu satu orang lagi sikit nak jadi macam tu, dia punya nama Achilles 19.....hehehehe.........
  11. Itu pasal gua nak convert. Gua ingat DSB tak practical lah. Apart from the aesthetic aspect, on the long run tak berapa effective malah menyusahkan. Lu orang tahu mana nak dapat epoxy(envirotex atau famowood high gloss epoxy). Gua nak bikin artifical sandbed-faux sandbed. Refer to my thread at Marine equip. bukan general reefkeeping. Gua tanya kacang semua tak response, gua ingat itu semua kacang kuda atau kacang hantu..............
  12. mohamed


    Upz..... Any suggestions.
  13. Hi MR Bros, Lama tak khabar. Amacam dengan perkembangan dunia reefing. Semua baik-baik? Gua ada post satu topic kat General Reefkeeping pasal BB tank. Lately, gua sudah convert gua punya tank ke FOWLR. Tapi ada masalah lalulintas sikit. Ikan banyak dah masuk ke alam "barsah" ( betul tak spelling). Gua ingat DSB punya angkara. Lu orang ada apa-apa pandngan? Boleh share..........adious
  14. mohamed


    Hi Bros, I intend to convert my 1yr old 4inch DSB to BB. But the idea of having a BB is a little unnatural. I guess the other alternative is to create a artificial sandbed. Came across faux sandbed in RC and was impressed by the idea. I have 2 questions: 1. Do you guys know where I can get the epoxy (it's mentioned famowood high gloss epoxy and envirotex in RC) to create the faux sandbed? 2. I have medium pieces of LR in my 4 ft tank. I intend to fix them up to create a bigger rock or a permanent structure. Apart from using epoxy (I have Deltec), to glue them together. Is there any other substance that could be used? a lot for the responses............... cheers.
  15. Resun Bros, Anybody experience the above. I have sent the chiller to the distributor, 3 times for repairs and yet the problem arise. Anyone has similar problems?
  16. Lu kalau takde microphone, boleh pakai gua punya.........baik punya
  17. Scandal pun tak salah apa? Quota 4 beb..............
  18. tak pernah dengar lah bro. Buatan mana ? Maybe yang lain boleh kasi inputs. Tapi nampak-nampak macam dia org dah reserve kan utk org lain aje?
  19. apa brand? Kalau diy macam mahal aje..........tak beli pun takpe
  20. Rockylabu, kalau sat pukul 10 pagi belum buka. Kau nak kena tunggu sampai pukul 1 pm baru buka. Jangan marah ha..............
  21. Yo brudders, Amacam semua malay reefers? Kamu semua baik-baik? Aiseh! macam konsert rock lah beb. Siapa pegi Aquarama? Gua pegi Sat. Kita bikin attendance listing, amacam? Boleh jumpa.
  22. Bro, who are your target customers?
  23. Bro, interested. Can meet you tonite. Pls call me. Tks Mohd, 96494715
  24. Beckett baik memang baik. Kalau dah dekat $500 tak baik, lu ambik tu skimmer cucuk kat dia punya seller punya jubur, kasi sedut sampai kering. Musibut, benda arcylic macam gitu, diy pulak tu, jual mahal-mahal. Semua copycat punya. Tapi apa kan daya, yang betul mahal. Din, lu belajar diy, kita potong dia punya market.
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