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A. Quarium

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Everything posted by A. Quarium

  1. Cuttlefish shouldn't be housed with anything that stings, really. No anemones either, since they have sensitive skin. S. Bandensis live in temps of 24-28 degrees Celsius, so I guess it's possible without chiller, but the higher the temperature, the higher it's metabolism, resulting in a faster growth rate.
  2. I think price range around $40+, usually $38. It depends on the size. Your LFS SHOULD be able to make an age approximation, but I know that 2 inch around there should be 3-4 months.
  3. Yup, need a BIG skimmer and lots of live rock.
  4. Since Henry feeds his cuttles dead market shrimp, I'm probably going to out one on a skewer attatched to a fishing line and use it to jiggle the shrimp around
  5. That's exactly what smalljerm (another SRC member who kept cuttles before) did, shared it with others. I don't know whether Henry has reduced the prices for eggs, but when I get my cuttle pair, I'm gonna ask for the smallest ones they have, longer lifespan=more awesome cuttlefish shows+more eggs dun know how much, but smalljerm mentioned ten SGD per cluster of ten+ eggs.
  6. He orders eggs as well, but he only brings them in 100 at a time.
  7. Maybe if you get a cuttle pair you can get eggs. I know Henry (ML) sells those pairs!
  8. Still, fish aren't good tank mates for cuttles. TONMO says that feeding cuttles freshwater ghost shrimp has been known to work, but I'd stick with small prawns and saltwater shrimp. Frozen will work, as long as you can make the cuttle believe the food is alive (i.e. swinging a frozen shrimp around in the water) Brine shrimp is a big NO, mysis and pods work better. I started this thread to find out more about keeping cuttles, hence the name, and hopefully will be able to start a tank on November or December. After a few months of cycling, then I will purchase the cuttles from ML. If that happens, rest assured I will post here. Bro hideaki, how big is yr tank?
  9. Exactly, taufiq85! The water has to have zero copper and the original water used to make salt mix must be pure (RO/DI) water. Frozen food is accepted, but they must be trained to eat them first. Cuttlefish require the same water parameters as coral, but they must be kept alone and fed food everyday. Crustaceans only, fish are not recommended. They are perceived as harder to keep mainly because of their diet. If you have a constant source of food, a large tank with plenty of hiding spots, and a protein skimmer and filter to deal with bio loads three times the average fish, then by all means, go ahead! It will be interesting if you keep one, Marine Life Aquarium sells them, and if you do have one, remember to post pics! Cheers!
  10. It depends on the species. If you have just one Sepia Bandensis with no other fish, then a 30 gal would be fine, as taufiq85 has mentioned. Larger species require larger tanks and so on. The absolute minimum amount of water would be 25 gallons, but a 30-40 gal tank is recommended for just one. Two or more require 50 gallons and above. Remember to add a protein skimmer! If I'm rambling on with useless facts, then sorry. Cheers!
  11. The first one is most likely a chiton. Probably harmless, eats algae, I remember reading somewhere.
  12. Nice scape! I too believe that the corals in the 5th and 6th pic are zoas. Really like your tang, and as I'm quite sure has been mentioned, it may outgrow your tank, especially if you want to add more fish.
  13. No one is a loser just because he/she is knowledgeable on a certain subject but doesn't appear on a thread asking for help on that subject.

  14. Marine Life Aquarium, yes. Call Henry, last I checked he still has.
  15. Note that smalljerm stopped posting here 3 years ago. On TONMO, he posted that his cuttlefish is unfortunately dead. He fed it ghost shrimp.
  16. Most other octopi have a mild, not that deadly venom but still poisonous, but there are a few others such as the pajama squid and flamboyant cuttlefish, Metasepia Pfferi, has a powerful tetrodotoxin compound contained within it's flesh, much like the Japanese Fugu puffer fish.
  17. Possibly a percula/ occelaris clown anemone fish or two, agree with digibee on the neon gobies. How about a banggai cardinal fish? Royal gramma?
  18. Why don't you ask Henry at Marine Life Aquarium? He can give you some good advice. As for the octopus thing, keeping octopuses in anything smaller than a 40 gallon (dwarf species) without a powerful protein skimmer rated for three times the tank size is a big no. If you really want an octopus, check out http://www.tonmo.com/community/
  19. Cuttlefish don't have eyelids, and cuttlefish must be kept with a skimmer for maximum survival rate and to cope with the high bio load. Probably going to get chiller or fan. Live rock definitely. Not sure about the seaweed though.
  20. Cuttlefish DO NOT have eyelids. I would rather have a skimmer than nothing. Yes, going to use chiller.
  21. What do you think of a Coralife super skimmer?
  22. Ok, need some advice from the experienced reefers here. Should I go for a Tunze nano 9004 skimmer for my tank? Taufiq85, what do you think and what do you use yourself? (P.S. , tank size 55 gallons)
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