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A. Quarium

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Everything posted by A. Quarium

  1. Can share your tank specs? Equipment etc.?
  2. Why put your "sale" here? This is for a cuttlefish discussion, unless you have nothing to say and want more posts.
  3. Congrats on the new tank! Your setup seems to be moving smoothly. Do you have a stock list?
  4. Yep, that's why most fish and all crustaceans are a no for cuttlefish tanks. Seeing a cuttlefish hunt in person would be truly magnificent(I have only seen videos of this)!
  5. Bro, do you perform water changes or have a skimmer? If not corals might not flourish. How long was your cycling period?
  6. Awesome setup, bro! Good setup and great to know your tank is doing well!
  7. I think that LEDs do not have as high success rate as the T5's so far, so id stick to the T5.
  8. Can do full tank shot? Seems that you have quite a variety of corals, would like to see the whole tank as it is now.
  9. Awesome corals bro! 70 gallons isn't really a nano reef....
  10. Think Marine Life also do custom. Best to call the uncle and ask. Good luck!
  11. Better use RO DI water. I mix the water with anti chlorine before I dump the water in the tank.
  12. Super awesome colors! Like a suprisingly colourful bush!
  13. Any shrimp or crab? Would like to know when the silversides are available too.
  14. AM had bunch of blue chromis, clowns, yes, a few wrasses (I think), some yellow bellied damsels, lots of zoas and... Can't seem to recall anything else but I'm sure there are more.
  15. Yeah, they camouflage, draw close slowly then strike with their tentacles. The fish is dead before it even realises the cuttle is there.
  16. AM does have the electric blue hermits, saw them two days ago. Mimic? Too bad they don't show those awesome mimicking abilities in captivity.
  17. Would like to say that this is definitely a good setup. It is also aesthetic in design, very nice to look at. I think maybe a mushroom coral or something first. Then if it survives, then I suggest... well... Im not really sure. Perhaps the other members can suggest. For curiosity's sake, what did you do with the crab? Cook it or flush it?
  18. Bro, as I mentioned in the other thread, ML gets these eggs sometimes. Maybe can ask Henry to special order for you.
  19. No need unless your fish will jump out to escape the cuttle. Seriously though, all fish and crustaceans will be annihilated by the cuttle.
  20. Agree bro, must post the site and all, quite troublesome
  21. Oh, thanks bro. Is the collen behind your last post supposed to be a full stop or did you forget to type something.?
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