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Posts posted by Obito

  1. I love this Topic. Very realistic and USeful. I used to have that doubt too .. Both for Marine & Rachu Tank. I guess Most Fishes swims from Left to Right, not Top to Bottom. I also think that 622 should be a better choice ...
    Glad you love this topic bro. Cause been keep thinking and thinking. Some people have the same gallon size of tank as me but its different in length. So curious if those fishes that can kept within 180gallon tank, does the same logic apply to my tank. So yeah, wanna clear my doubts.
  2. Hi guys, can anyone tell me more about emperor angel, it's difficulty level and what to look out for. Nt sure if it's suitable for me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I think for angelfish, water quailty is very very important. Used to keep an emperor angelfish 3 years ago when i just started my first ever tank. Didn't read up much and added a emperor angelfish in, after a few days, its colour started to fade and in the end it died. So yeah, i suggest to read up more about angelfish and let your water be more matured by then its safe to add a emperor angelfish. Just my personal experience and opinion.
  3. i keep a group of 6 blue-green chromis. so far I do not see any problems of them living together. there's a bit of chasing here and there, and some aggression from the alpha fish during feeding, but definitely don't see them trying to kill each other. in fact, they tend to swim together. with time they also develop a very nice iridescent blue.

    Yeah, I think that chromis is nice. When they are swimming around. Guess I will see if there's any others fishes that i should keep, if not i will go with 5-6 chromis.

  4. I dunno why I cannot start a new topic on pasar malam. Looking to sell a ctenochaetus striatus bristeltooth tang (approx 4 inches) and a female swallowtail angelfish (approx 3 inches) for $15 and $30 respectively. They are both healthy and eating everything. Only caution is that the angelfish is not reef safe. It pecks at my clam and brain corals.
    You need to have 100post count in order to post at the pasar malam thread. Maybe try asking bros from here to help you post and list down your contact number?
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