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Posts posted by Ekia

  1. Thanks Bum!

    Sera Calcium plus is actually a Calcium additive, not a test kit.

    As test kit I'm using nutrafin Ca Test from Hagen.

    Sera claims that their Ca additive does not affect other parameters such as DKH and PH is that true based on experience??

    Hi, I got low calcium level as well for a long time.. bought the Tropic Marine Bio-Calcium and its quite impressive. It will not alter and pH or dKh and there is no requirement to drip or mix with water.. just scatter into high flow area in your sump...

    No personal experience on Sera Calcium plus though... didnt get very good feedback from their products though..

    I just did a review.. u can view it here at the webpage....


  2. I reckon it has to do with your atman pump used to cool the chiller.

    I have the same problem like u when i used a cheapo china made pump rated 1400L/H. Inactual fact it may be giving less than 1000L/H. However, I changed the pump to Extrema and it works fine after that.

    I'm using extrema for my return too... what setting do u use for the pump? Full flowrate?

  3. hummm...what your lighting conf???? i'm thinking of getting the CL650 to save some $$$$, but worried that it can take about 1000w of lights...

    I'm currently using combinations of 30W FL and 220W PL.... 1000W might be a bit stressful on the chiller.... yr tank size? 4x2x2?

  4. Hi bros.. I have an issue with my Resun CL650 chiller.

    Seems that it cuts in too often. Sometimes about every 10 mins and runs for 5 mins.

    Details on the configuration:

    1. Pump used is Atman 104, 2000L/H (recommended is btw 900L/h to 2400 L/H)

    2. Temperature set at 27-29. Chiller will cut in when temp is 29.

    Attached is the pics of the connection to my chiller. Basically it input from and output to my sump, just different compartment. Any advise ??

    Whats your tank size? Lights?

    I'm currently using CL650 as well for my 4x2x2... set up my chiller in the same configuration.. my chiller dun cut in very often.. even when lights are on... furthermore I set my chiller at 26...

    It will be better if the output from chiller goes straight into the tank but I find it quite unsightly.. thats why set up the same configuration as yours.. no problem at all.. I'm using Sicce Extrema for the chiller pump..

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