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Posts posted by Ekia

  1. Hi.. got a Sander skimmer for sale.. suitable for 1 or 2ft tank... height is 20cm

    Used only once on my 1ft but find it too big for a 1ft.. havent even started foaming and i took it out already.... basically as good as new

    Bought at $40... just want to clear it away at $20..


  2. Sorry to hear that bro. Looks like no one knows how to appreciate a fine product. This is a great product that save money in the long run.

    Just like what reef2 said, I'm running 2 skimmers now. Eventhough I'm running the dual beckett, if I turn my H&S higher, I can still get some skimmate on it. So it is double protection for me. The dual beckett will skim before water enter the sump, and the H&S will skim before the water return to the main tank.

    wow rich!! 2 powerful skimmers.....

  3. Purple Tang is a hardy fish and also the most aggressive one in the A Coeruleus species.

    Should be the last one in this specie to be in the tank.

    nim75sg... u r YT lover?

    anyway my YT from ML already feeding on nori already.. and swimming in the open already... second day only... very healthy as well... recommended! hehe

  4. hi Ekia, i was having the same situation yesterday evening, wondering shd i get PBT or YT, wanted to get the PBT, but now.......after reading yr advise, i think i better think twice :)


    Anymore? anyone?

    lol.. so we were considering the same thing yesterday?? lol... really wanted to get the PBT.. its so much nicer.. but went with my head rather than my heart in the end

  5. actually i was comtemplating which one to buy when i was at ML yesterday... but decided against PBT because its more sensitive to poor water quality (heard from reefers). Since my tank is rather new ( close to 1 month after cycling), I went for a YT first... will go for a PBT in a few months time. Anyway the YT is doing very well.. feeding on the dried seaweed i put in...

    Another point to take note PBT needs a lot of space to swim.. they can swim really fast.. so a large tank would be needed... some would even say that 4ft wouldnt be enuff.. but i think a 4ft would be the minimum... ;)

  6. What's the difference between Aquaz's Alkalinity Premium and Hydro Alkalinity Premium?

    From the descriptions they sound the same :blink::sick:

    For Aquaz's Alkalinity Premium.. u have to mix with freshwater and drip into yr sump/tank.... eg. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of Alkalinity Premium™ in 1 cup of freshwater and drip the solution in a high flow area of the aquarium

    For Hydro Alkalinity Premium.... its already mixed with deionized water... and u can dose directly into yr sump/tank... eg. Dose 1 capful ( 5 mL ) of Hydro Alkalinity Premium™ for every 50 Liters of water in a high flow area of the aquarium


  7. you may want to try ML. they have all kinds of shape.

    yah can try ML... not the cheapest but quality is there.. i bought my Yt there yesterday... a few hours later. its already roaming ard the tank instead of just hiding in the caves... it was already pecking at ML.. just bought dried seaweed for it.. hopefully it will start eating...

    Anyway it cost $25 at ML.. regardless of sizes

  8. you guy.....soooo lucky. Where i come from, skunk/cleaner shrimp cost about 20 to 30 bucks.......sheesh!!! Worse still, only one shop selling.

    west side.. Marine Life also has a lot... cleaner shrimps.. fire shrimps.. and also hermit...

  9. The box stated as 36W lei...and meant for up to 35000 litres of water... :shock::blink:

    The model is actually Atman III UV-Lamp Model : UV-36W

    I meant it as long term investment for a future tank

    but alas...I no better than a karang guni man... :paiseh::paiseh:

    Still have a CR not used...some lights not fixed...needlewheel skimmer untouched... :paiseh::P:P

    needlewheel skimmer untouched? since u not using why not give me? my skimmer very lousy.. feel like giving up on it.. haha

  10. Sure

    At the moment I want to get my hands on some decent salt more than anything else.  All I can get over here is Red Sea, which I don't trust having read too many bad reports.  In the UK I used to use Kent salt & additives, but if I can't get Kent then I'd consider most other well known brands.

    I'd also like to get some frozen food, kalkwasser, iodine & strontium.

    Looks like Reborn's worth a try.  I noticed that Harlequin Marine are pretty close as well.  Are they worth the walk??

    Thanks for the responses so far.......

    Harlequin Marine having a renovation... dun really have much equipments/salt etc around... not even LS.. but of u happen to pass by.. can go take a look and see what they have left.. sometimes they are not even open...

    Yah... that area u can go Aquamart, Reb*rn and Pa**diz R****f

  11. Roger that...when you're around AMK area, just let me know...I will treat you to the famous store in the food centre... :)

    cheaper than the head somemore... :evil::yeah:

    wahh.. so nice ah. haha :huh:

    i wont be at ang mo kio area one.. too far already.. :blink::blink:

    anyway u from army ah? use "Roger That".. or u play CS?? haha

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